Archive for November, 2012

November 18, 2012


Government report anticipates more gun control congress.

Tactical Long Range Mossberg


Via email.

They’re never “complete”

Sean’s AR is about done. Except for the sight. And the sling. And the 200 magazines. And the ammo for them.

Gun Porn

Fast forward to nowadays, and all that stuff fits easily into an inside-the-waistband holster

Die Hard and Lethal Weapon Beretta

Glock muzzle




November 17, 2012

Hostess Shrugs

Proof nobody likes Zingers:

November 16, 2012

Homemade laundry detergent

I mentioned I made my own for about $20 and it lasted many months, some asked for the recipe. Well, it’s this recipe right here. I also add about four cups of TSP because it’s good at cleaning and because the government mandates that manufacturers of detergents can’t use it. Also, when it comes to shredding the Fels-Naptha, it’s hard to do by hand and it will mess with low end food processors and blenders. However, my Ninja has no trouble shredding it.

And, one more thing, it doesn’t take much to do a load. She says 1-2 table spoons. We use half of one of those small scoops that comes with Oxi Clean, which is a little bit more but not much.

November 15, 2012

Big Government

Is required in big storms. Or so we’re told. But grassroots kicks in instead.

Where Great Britain Used To Be

Soldier accidentally brings home war trophy, gets charged. You can only have guns in service of the queen.

I already make my own

Dish detergent. I also make laundry detergent. For about $20, I can do laundry for six months.


So, this guy has ripped some people off on the internets. $500 reward for his identity.

You know who else thought that guns should be restricted only to the pure?


Being Evil

Government requests for google data up 25%. And government surveillance of your web-fu on the rise. So, they have lots of cat pictures and recipes. Google is pretty open about it and good for them but . . .

They took down an IDF video of some bombing.


Harry Reid takes social security off the table, meaning that the cliff is unavoidable.

BuckyBalls says no more

Product discontinued due to “baseless and relentless legal badgering” by the federal government

Well, I thought he had a good time but, you know, he just didn’t do it for me*

Chuck Woolery on assault weapons

* what, the Love Connection?

Muzzle Devices 101

From Gear Scout

Our chief spy

His girlfriend had classified info on her PC. I’m less concerned about that and more concerned that the head of the CIA doesn’t know that there’s this thing called encrypted email. Like the kind he probably uses at work all the time.

Stalking Cat kills self

The guy who surgically modified himself to look like a cat (but never swung the bling to take care of those moobs*) has, apparently, killed himself. Not surprising, really. People who feel the need for such extreme body modifications tend to not only have issues, but subscriptions.

* man boobs, for those who would ask.

The Art of Manliness on homes for self defense

They rank the shotty high, the semi-auto handgun low and the revolver in the middle. They leave off rifle, oddly. Don’t care for their rank of the handgun as low. Try navigating your Mossy shotgun through a narrow hallway at oh dark thirty while trying to open doors and turn on light switches, then get back to me.

More quibbles here.

Maybe it’s manly but it’s not the greatest of suggestions.

Legal issues aside, I’d peg the best home defense gun either a short barreled rifle or a semi auto handgun.

Very cool

The US military is investing in 3D printer technology to make spare parts in the field.

A word I haven’t heard since Bush was president


Florida gun range lets customers shoot at each other

Well, OK then


Constitutional carry push

Ron Paul says “biggest threat to liberty is authoritarians” to a bunch of authoritarians

Ron Paul’s farewell address.

Transcript here.

Flashlight Blogging

From Kevin

Gun Porn

Rogue bullpup

Clark Gable’s .357

November 14, 2012

Bleg: So, I have a firetruck

Through some bizarre series of circumstances, I have a 1977 Ford 750 firetruck that doesn’t have lights or a hose. It’s modified so that it can saturate the ground for farming or grade work. I don’t really need it and would like to sell it. Options include craigslist, ebay or junkyard for scrap metal. What exactly do I have and what should I do with it?

The crazy in the radio

This morning, I managed to catch The Ed and Bob Show. It’s local talk radio, news and weather. And the first bit I heard was a local News Sentinel reporter Jamie Satterfield who was talking about the not at all racially motivated and definitely not a hate crime (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) that involved the rape, torture and murder of some local kids. She had an odd use of words, I thought, when referring to the prosecution. She would say things like “we didn’t pursue this or that”. I found it odd. But that’s not the crazy part. This is:

People were calling in about chemtrails. The true believers. Then people were calling in and using the Bible to refute the chemtrail people. Then a person called in wanting to have Obama and Bush arrested for war crimes. It was a little nuts.

Call screening, look into it.

It reminds me why I don’t listen to talk radio.

Post Election Firearms Inventory

Down to 81.2%

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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