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Tour de Franzia

So, for those who don’t know, a local frat boy got dumped at the hospital at dark thirty with a BAC of 0.4 and, per the police, had wounds consistent with sexual assault. 0.4, by the way, is about the point where alcohol starts getting fatal. Anyhoo, the police then went to the frat house where others were passed out, there was a lot of beer, and lots of underage drinking. You know, frat house stuff. Someone at the frat house told the coppers that they were butt chugging, which means they took a bag of wine and used tubing to stick it in their rears. Well, the kid and everyone involved has denied it. Of course he denies it. A confession would mean that he has to admit to:

1) Butt chugging
2) That he actually consumed Franzia
3) He’s gay (see 2 above)
4) He was sexually assaulted by his frat bros in his drunken stupor

Regardless, it makes for the most hilarious press conference I’ve ever seen. A bunch of frat boys in their blue blazers with their lawyer having a presser on butt chugging. Oh, and everyone else is lying. The police, the media and the university.

Quality humor there that you can’t make up. I kept expecting it to be a gag by or something.

25 Responses to “Tour de Franzia”

  1. Pete Says:

    First thing I thought of:

  2. LKP Says:

    Typical stupidity if they do try to sue somebody. The guy that told the cops what happened will be put under oath. If he now testifies any other way the cops can charge him with making false statements to police. Smart. Not. The best thing these clowns could have done was lie low and hope everybody forgets about them.
    Thank the heavens I avoided fraternity row when I was at U.T.

  3. jay Says:

    you start risking death from alcohol poisoning long before 0.4 unless you’re an alcoholic.

  4. rightisright Says:

    If I ever get arrested in TN, remind me not to hire that “lawyer”.

  5. Jerry Says:

    This is Tennessee. If you wan’t four seasons, you live here.

  6. nk Says:

    My only problem with this is: “Where’s Darwin?”

  7. Ted N Says:

    Stupid games, stupid prizes.

  8. bigcatdaddy Says:


  9. Ted N Says:

    Good job, mom n’ dad, that’s money well spent.

  10. nk Says:

    I thought Knoxville was dry?

  11. Cargosquid Says:

    What the hell has happened to men since my early college years in the 80’s? I grew up in New Orleans and something like this would have been ridiculed by even the gays in the French Quarter. WTF?

    I blame the parents. It’s THEIR job to teach the children how to drink.

    I predict all sorts of demotivator posters to come from this.

  12. HL Says:

    Fire Dooley.

  13. Jim Says:

    “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son” – Dean Wermer. OK, so he’s not fat, but the rest is right out of Animal House. The sunglass-wearing frat president is classic, too.

  14. comatus Says:

    There must be a way to work this narrative into the gallows speech in “Hang ‘Em High.”

  15. Dustydog Says:

    Obviously the fault of the liquor company, failing to put adequate warning labels on their product.

  16. Gerry Says:

    Alleged wino butt chugger claims he’s not gay.

    Great headline for the press conference. He should thank his lawyer for that.

  17. Cargosquid Says:

    Can’t you see the new warning labels on booze now?

    Do not ingest through orifice other than mouth.
    Do not ingest through the butt.
    If you DO ingest through the butt, you may die, AND you will look like even more of an idiot.
    If you die through butt drinking, you WILL be nominated by this company for a Darwin Award and we WILL post your cause of death on our website.

  18. Windy Wilson Says:

    How long until some gay group complains to that fraternity about making hate speech against them?

  19. Bram Says:

    “Take it easy, I’m in pre-law… Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests – we did…”

  20. NotClauswitz Says:

    He said “Butt Chugging”…on TV??? Rilly?? Srsly???

  21. Reno Sepulveda Says:

    Kudos to those frat bros. I couldn’t have kept a straight face through that.

  22. Bram Says:

    Reno Sepulveda – I assume a skull-splitting hangover helps.

  23. MJM Says:

    This is one of the funniest posts you’ve ever put up here. Only in the Idiocracy. Oh, yeah, I forgot; that’s in the few chure.

  24. Disavowed With Honor Says:

    So in this case… if he were only half drunk would that mean he did a half assed job?


  25. Suki Says:

    Aren’t Kathy Lee an Whoda going there soon? Are they going to do the assaholic thing or do they stick with oral?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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