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Guns and the market

A look at gun stocks. No, the other kind.

2 Responses to “Guns and the market”

  1. adam Says:

    For Christmas last year, I bought my step father a single share of Ruger stock. I mainly bought it for the stock certificate, which looks great framed in his office, but little did I realize how much higher the value would rise. He’s already received a dividends check.

    Thinking about investing in a few shares myself this year.

  2. JKB Says:

    The retail guy they have makes a good point. Sales are booming to senior citizens, i.e., Baby Boomers. Ten thousand a day turning 65. “They can’t run, they can’t fight so they are going to shoot”

    Interesting, I hadn’t been following S&W. They wallowed for a long time, they say S&W now has new management, a good sign.

    Cabelas and probably guns in general are probably seeing the increased sales from the cash from oil boom in ND and elsewhere. As well as until this year’s drought, the good money in farming in the midwest. More sporting purchases, plus just more money for a gun habit.

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