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Chick Fil A and guns

The one in Knoxville is not going to post anti-gun signs. Good.

12 Responses to “Chick Fil A and guns”

  1. Dave Says:

    The more OC attention whoring that goes on, the more the signs are going to go up.

  2. Linoge Says:

    What about the “not” in that very short sentence is so very hard to comprehend, Dave?

    Thanks for following up on this, Uncle!

  3. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Heh. Chick-Fil-A spends millions of dollars promoting violence toward your fellow citizens, and you’ll actually show up to support them, but one of the stores puts up a “No Guns” sign and it’s the end of the world.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    They promote violence? News to me. Opposing gay marriage is stupid but not violent.

  5. rightisright Says:

    And they “spend millions of dollars” doing it? Mmmkay.

  6. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Chick-Fil-A donates millions of dollars each year to the FRC, which advocates criminalizing homosexuality. Saying that people out to be dragged out of their homes by physical force and then locked in cages is advocating violence, even if you want the attackers to wear pretty little government badges.

  7. Captain Holly Says:

    You’re right, Stormy. Because before the Lawrence decision there were thousands of gay men imprisoned yearly in state re-education camps, forced to wear lavender triangles and read the Bible while they went on compulsory dates with plain-looking but virtuous women. A vertiable police state, I tells ya.

    Do you even read your comments before posting?

  8. Stormy Dragon Says:

    So just because the FRC hasn’t generally been successful in getting their agenda implemented, that makes it all okay? The KKK hasn’t accomplished much in a long time either. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to start sending them money.

  9. Linoge Says:

    It amazes me that people still miss the point of – or willfully misrepresent – the Chick-Fil-A support day all these weeks later.

  10. Stormy Dragon Says:

    The G. K. Chesteron line about will (“You cannot admire will in general because the essence of will is that it is particular.”) applies equally well to free speech. It’s not that people miss the point of the Chick-Fil-A support day, it’s that the recognize you can’t celebrate free speech without addressing the content of the particular free speech you are choosing to celebrate.

    I think the KKK has a right to free speech too. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna show up at a cross burning to celebrate it, and it would reflect poorly on anyone who did.

  11. Linoge Says:

    And worse, when told quite plainly that they are missing the point, they just keep going on, missing the point.

    Oh well. Some people just have their minds made up and are not going to change them for anything. In fact, I think there is a term for that…

  12. Beaumont Says:

    Would that term be “leftist”? Or perhaps “idiot”? Wait a sec, sorry, I repeat myself.

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