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Starbucks Appreciation Day

People were to go there because the company supports gay marriage. But it didn’t have much of a turnout. I remember the last Starbucks Appreciation day being more successful. Compare and contrast.

2 Responses to “Starbucks Appreciation Day”

  1. Monte Says:

    Hadn’t even heard of this event. Not even from gay friends/acquaintances on Facebook.

  2. Paul Says:

    Afraid to tell you this but supporting the 2nd Amendment AND traditional marriage are both conservative issues. And then the traditional marriage is also conservative religious issue!

    Thus you will see 10x the number of people support CFA than Starbucks. And if CFA comes out for the 2nd Amendment the place will be swamped everyday with people. Notice even Wendy’s is getting in on that act.

    And I go to both CFA and Wendy’s now.

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