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Grace and Class

Rachel Elizabeth has both and anyone should be happy to have her working for them. And give her a big raise. Also, she’s cute as a button and would look better in your commercials than those stupid cows.

4 Responses to “Grace and Class”

  1. Hippies Suck Says:

    Side note on that whole debacle. What kind of car did Adam Smith, the Alpha Jerk have?

    A Prius. Harken back to the South Park episode about SMUG. Wonder what non-profit will hire that jerk?

  2. Eichenlaub Says:

    Yeah… I think I’m gonna oppose gay marriage because this guy ain’t atypical and these kinda people shouldn’t win shit they support

  3. HL Says:

    Same. Opposing it out of spite.

  4. nk Says:

    Not me. If I have to go through marriage, why not those q***s?

    And yes, the girl is fine.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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