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Seen on the road

Breda on bumper stickers. Yesterday, I saw one that said:

Angry? Need a weapon? Pray the Rosary.

If one is angry, one doesn’t need a weapon. If one needs a weapon, then praying the Rosary won’t be much help.

8 Responses to “Seen on the road”

  1. HL Says:

    The best bumper sticker I ever saw was on a Humvee (the real kind, not that H2 bullshit) that said “When the rainforests are gone, you can wipe your ass on a spotted owl”

    This was at the KCR Machinegun shoot back in 93.

    Apologies if I mentioned this before, but it has stuck with me.

  2. Jeff from DC Says:

    My favorite bumperstickers are the 2008 Obama/Hope stickers from 2008. By 2010, they were all washed out, peeling, and cracking…you know, like the Presidency.

  3. nk Says:

    It has to be a really big, heavy rosary. (Jet Li had one in one of the Lethal Weapon movies.)

  4. Pius V Says:

    I disagree.

    See Lepanto, Battle of.

  5. Drake Says:

    +1 Pius

  6. ATLien Says:

    Wonder if God doles out lightning for certain people if I get the right rosary?

  7. Ruth Says:

    I saw that rosary sticker on a car yesterday. Signifigant double take. WTF good is a rosary going to do me? Last I checked vampires are fiction…..

  8. comatus Says:

    That rosary should have a Santa Gabriel Possenti medal attached. I think you may be missing how Catholic prayer works.

    Need a weapon? Pray the rosary. For a weapon.

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