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Four democrats say they’ll vote for holding Holder in contempt.

5 Responses to “Bipartisan”

  1. Andy Says:

    I expect that outgoing moderate Tim Holden (D-PA) will or should be voting for the contempt citation. After all, it was his party who hung him out in the primary after 20 years. What does he have to lose on this one? His political career is over.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    And the rest of them are more concerned about appeasing the Anointed One than obeying their Constitutional Oaths.

  3. BornLib Says:

    I don’t know that I’ll ever type this again, but the more Democrats the better.

    Now I need a shower.

  4. ctr Says:

    Where is Preston Brooks when you need him?

  5. Bobby Says:

    Well, At least we can hope to win one today…

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