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Smart phone stuff

Android Army:

Android-powered smartphones will help soldiers of the future discover better trails, locate colleagues and build stronger defense — capability that just doesn’t exist today. They’ll be a permanent fixture in the United States Army, officials said.

That’s cool but I was hoping based on the headline we had robots.

Rumors that Amazon is developing a phone.

6 Responses to “Smart phone stuff”

  1. Divemedic Says:

    “That’s cool but I was hoping based on the headline we had robots.”

    That’s all good until you realize that a clone army and the rise of the empire is next.

  2. Jack Says:

    Or even worse, one step closer to BidenBots

  3. Adam Says:

    Cool, but what happens when your Android-powered Army Navigator loses signal, crashes, or someone’s playing Angry Birds? lol

  4. JKB Says:

    Careful now, they keep up this propaganda and the Android might just become a military communications device. Which would require an export license to take on travel, be unavailable to foreign nationals even inside the US, etc.

    And correct me if I’m wrong, but in a war, the better trails tend to have the better booby traps? Tell me Android can map out a trail through virgin jungle, then you’ve got something.

  5. JKB Says:

    Android, where are my colleagues?

    Your colleagues are here as shown on this map:

    1000 enemy soldiers have found this information useful, how about you?

  6. Rivrdog Says:

    Worry not. When GPS first came out, the military reserved it’s best accuracy potential for themselves, scared by Cold War mentality into believing that a super-accurate, publicly-available navigation system would enable Soviet bombers to accurately bomb our country at will. That was stupid, considering that Soviet bombers were strictly a follow-on force in Soviet doctrine, and by the time their 400-mph bombers got here, the GPS would have been shut down.

    Same with giving soldiers a good comm-system/computer running Android. If you saw the nightmare the individual computer bus became in the Future Soldier plan, you would tend to scrap it and start over.

    No danger here.

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