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Prepping stuff


Remember: You’re a whole lot more likely to wind up using the contents of your “Bug Out Bag” in a Holiday Inn after your home’s been hit by a tornado or burned to the waterline than you are in a FEMA death camp.


Firearms for preppers: The SKS

11 Responses to “Prepping stuff”

  1. Pakkinpoppa Says:

    400 for an SKS.
    When I was 16, it was 1994. The SKS ran about 80 for the Chinese model and 100 to 110 for the Russian model.

    Begged my father to let me purchase one of those (and a MAK90 for, 225 maybe?) when the “ban” had been passed and prices were rising, and his response…just get a good job, you’ll be able to afford one when you’re old enough. That, and “what do you need that many bullets in a ‘clip’ for anyways? Get a shotgun for home defense, they’re better.”

    @sshole. Paid over 300 for the SKS I have about 7 years ago, and 550 for the MAK90. When I see “non Bubba-ed” SKS at shows, they run about 400, give or take, depending on shape they’re in.

    Okay, rant over.

  2. Ron W Says:

    As it has been said, “it can never happen here”

    ‘…and “what do you need that many bullets in a ‘clip’ for anyways?’

    So why do the gov’t agents who carry “assault weapons on the street” need’em?

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    What Tam said, I sure the hell hope so – we have a Hampton Inn right around the corner.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    And a gun-store…

  5. Lyle Says:

    The SKS is good, but AKs start at about the same price. You can carry more ammo in clips for the SKS for less weight and less bulk than the same number of rounds in AK magazines. It’s a tough call. Either one is good. ARs are good too, and they have less recoil and a better “user interface”, and the ammo’s lighter and smaller than 7.62 x 39, but cost is the downside. Then there’s the AK-74 which has equally low recoil and ammo smallness…then there’s the M1A which reaches out farther and hits harder, but weighs a lot more, and AKs come in .308, and ARs…

    So buy what you like, as you can afford it, and don’t sweat the decision too much.

    My solution has been to buy them all, but you can’t carry them all and you can’t practice with them all, often enough. One thing about owning them all is you figure out how to operate and maintain them all, but then your house is one big gun and ammo locker and you have guns you haven’t fired in years… So that’s not such a great idea. If the saying; “fear the man with only one rifle” is valid, then I’m not very scary.

    So yeah; one SKS (each) would be fine.

  6. SPQR Says:

    I always found the SKS easier to hit with than an AK, more accurate for me.

    I think that they make good “truck guns” and good things to leave in big bugout bag with a bandolier of clipped ammo for a cheap spare light rifle.

  7. Rivrdog Says:

    Been there, prepped that, 2 SKS in the survival gear. 1 has the Tech sight, the other a 4X eastbloc mil scope. Both work well. Have belts with the leather stripper clip pouches, so each rifle bearer goes out with 90 rounds. BTW, those leather pouches are good for shotgun ammo. Use some strips of cloth to lay 3 bunches of 4 rounds of 12-ga in so you pull out 4 rds with one motion.

  8. Tam Says:

    Ron W,

    I will note that “a whole lot more likely” != “can never happen”

    (Although judging by gun show attendees, most people are a lot more worried about a sudden tyrannical government trying to put them in FEMA death camps than they are about heart disease.)

  9. Ron W Says:


    Prepping for something that supposedly “can never happen” makes that assertion less likely. It’s good to prep and do prevention for all bad things….heart disease and tyranny…probably in that order.

  10. Ron W Says:

    And the ‘can never happen” SHOULD never happen in Tennessee:

    That no citizen of this State, except such as are employed in the army of the United States, or militia in actual service, shall be subjected to punishment under the martial or military law. That martial law, in the sense of the unrestricted power of military officers, or others, to dispose of the persons, liberties or property of the citizen, is inconsistent with the principles of free government, and is not confided to any department of the government of this State. –Article I, Section 25, Tennessee Declaration of Rights

    That supercedes, according to the 9th and 10th Amendments, any UNLAWFUL instigation of martial law by the Federal Gov’t for which it has NO “delegated powers”.

    But until there is evidence of overwhelming government repentance to Constitutional obedience, the “can never happen” always remains possible….at least as an UNLAWFUL attempt.

  11. Someone You Know Says:

    Says Uncle and Others,

    Thanks for linking to the article and for all the comments; y’all made many good points.

    I agree with Tam myself. A credit card with about a $3,000 to $5,000 limit, with airline miles and reward points, would be more useful in most situations.


    Folks are getting worried, so they need some information on the available firearms. Since the SKS, in my opinion, is the “best” rifle for most preppers, I started with the SKS.

    I’ll be writing a few more (AK-47 series, M-16 series) rifle articles and a few (1911, Glock, M&P, etc) revolver and pistol articles, in the coming months. Hopefully, Says Uncle will link to them also.

    Thanks again for the link and all the comments.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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