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Deal of the Day

Gerber 31-000749 Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Multi-Tool for $30

6 Responses to “Deal of the Day”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    Needs to be colored orange.

    I am always losing tools in the field. Losing a ‘survival” item can get you killed.

  2. pdb Says:

    I don’t see a catheter.

  3. Jerry Says:

    They would just make you re-use it.

  4. Aaron Says:

    Does Amazon require “proof of drinking your own pee” as a prerequisite for buying it?

  5. comatus Says:

    Oh, well said, one and all. He’ll never live that down — and he shouldn’t, eye-ther. You can grill an hunnert bearss, and only the network will say “here comes old Bear Grills.” But shove one catheter, and…

    Where’s all the sweet-sweet endorsement cash from Fleet and Swan?

    K., please refer to Rule 1, “Tactical.” But O brother do I ever agree with you. Expect all camo-bits to come with RFID soon. Than only the cell phone will need to be orange. “Sorry, I’ve got a fax coming in.”

  6. Les Jones Says:

    I missed the catheter thing. I only knew about the Bear Grylls Survival Enema™.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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