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Unclaimed property

It’s one of the biggest scams state governments have pulled to get some tax money. The rules make it hard for someone to claim the property or even know they have it. The state, then, takes and holds it for so long before deciding it’s theirs. As a result, Amex will no longer sell gift cards in New Jersey.

7 Responses to “Unclaimed property”

  1. HL Says:

    Not possible…that is Chris Christie’s state!

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    But nearly 5% of the Online Polling is Voting Yes or Maybe in support of this Crap.

    Hey, here’s an Idea! Why doesn’t NJ Seize ALL Unused Campaign Funds after One Year and put that amount in the Treasury, huh?

    Sauce for the Goose, Sauce for the Gander.

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    Note: this is the same Third Reich of Neu Jerzee that Chris Christie runs, and he is being “roundly” mentioned in the Lib Press as the perfect running mate for the Romnoid. Second-best way to get conservatives to stay home on Election Day and had four more to Nobama.

  4. Lyle Says:

    So, in NJ, if I walk by a cop car, and no one claims it on the spot, it’s mine.

  5. Jerry Says:

    With Bubba Les on this one. Seize Obama’s funds. Just say no. I tend to think that Mrs. Reagan was a very intelligent person. I do NOT ‘FEEL’ the same way, about a lawyer. From anywhere, much less, Chicago.

  6. TheMissingMoneyLady Says:

    Actually, New Jersey holds the money indefinitely until people claim it. What I object to is that all the emphasis is on finding missing money when it should be on PREVENTING it from happening. I haven’t been able to get the media interested in this. I have “9 tips to prevent your money from going to the state,” on my Web site. It’s the only way I have of getting the word out.
    I went to the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators with the idea for a National Find Your Missing Money Day where there could be a nationwide blitz of publicity since the majority of the country is still unaware of it. I was told, “The problem is, when we get a big bump in publicity like we did on Dateline [2007] The states get really inundated with claims. I’ll run it by the board again, but I don’t know.”
    I never heard back so I did it myself. I chose April 16 as the day most folks might remember to look since new listings are added all the time.
    Search for yourself by going to (NOT .com) and click on any state you’ve ever lived in. Don’t forget to look up deceased relatives.
    Never pay for an online search.

  7. TheMissingMoneyLady Says:

    The problem with the NJ card legislation is they want the zip code of the purchaser. How stupid is this? The overwhelming majority of these purchases are not being used by the purchaser since they are GIFT cards. Who knows the zip code of a dozen people that you may be buying gift cards for at Christmas?
    If someone were to try to claim it through the unclaimed property office and you got a bunch of gift cards at once, you probably wouldn’t remember who specifically sent you the card so you wouldn’t be able to match up the info.
    I feel it’s purposely designed to fail.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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