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Making a gun with your finger, pointing it at police: two felonies

Charged with assault.

7 Responses to “Making a gun with your finger, pointing it at police: two felonies”

  1. mikee Says:

    Verbalizing threats to retaliate against police who just testified against his son, then directing a visual threat against them. Seems like a pretty rock solid case of intimidation against witnesses.

    Also seems like a pretty stupid father of a stupid criminal. Getting them both off the streets will likely make a dent in stupid crime stats.

  2. Jeff Says:

    I have no problem with this. If it was an 8 year old playing cowboys and indians and the Detectives got caught in the crossfire I’d see the stupidity, but this is pretty clear cut. They testified against his son, and in retaliation he made a hand gesture that is universally known as the sign of a gun.

  3. Dustydog Says:

    The legal standard is imminent and direct (otherwise Al Sharpton would be serving multiple life sentences).
    In a courthouse, the police KNOW you don’t have a weapon. They did not feel threatened with immiment harm, only a generalized hostility.

    The first amendment guarantees not only freedom of speech, but also freedom to seek redress from the government. Government employees should receive less protection from threats than regular people.

    The law should be the same for everyone. The police would never arrest someobdy for making a gang gonna shoot you sign at a regular person. This thug got arrested because they had the power to do it, not because they felt threatened.

  4. mariner Says:

    I’m not a cop. If I testified against this guy and he pointed his finger at me, would my complaint result in his arrest?

    I doubt it.

  5. ATLien Says:

    Doesn’t anyone remember the saying about revenge? There’s a lesson behind it.

  6. Leatherwing Says:

    The way I read the article, the two officers didn’t even see the gesture, another deputy did. And what exactly is obstruction of justice? Seems like you can get that for leaving the toilet seat up these days.

  7. AZ Fortune Cookie Says:

    I had a guy do that gesture to me the other day in a road rage incident. He got upset that I wouldn’t turn left while there was someone in the crosswalk, and started honking at me. When I got to the next light, he pulled up next to me and held up his hand in the shape of a gun. I looked at my 1911 on my passenger seat, looked back up at him, and laughed silently. I then drove on my way. He wasn’t a threat, he was pathetic.

    I kinda feel like they’re making a big deal out of the finger-pointing bit: “assault on a law enforcement officer by intimidation.” The officers didn’t see him, and therefore I doubt they were intimidated by him. However, talking about “getting back at [them]” would have raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

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