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Clearly, they need knife control

In DC, knives surpass guns in reported assaults.

4 Responses to “Clearly, they need knife control”

  1. mikee Says:

    And I bet fists outnumber both knives and guns, because the most common item is likely the most common weapon.

    This makes regulation of common items a non-winner for actually decreasing violence. Saying “No Guns!” or “No Knives!” just shifts the violence-prone to using other common items. When we get back to rocks being the only items not regulated into nonexistence, guess what will be the most common item in assaults?

  2. Todd Says:

    England has had this problem for a long while now. Seem when you take away the evil gun, bad people start turning to the evil knife. What Idiocy. Perfect proof of what happens when you take away personal responsibility and inanimate objects apparently begin committing crimes.

  3. J Says:

    Please don’t give them any ideas. I was threatened with arrest by a cop for “brandishing a knife” beacuse I used the bottle opener on my swiss army knife to crack open an ice cold Coca-Cola (the kind that comes in the fancy little glass bottle). Didn’t matter I wasn’t threatening someone. Didn’t matter I didn’t even have the blade out. Once that swiss army knife came out of my pocket, I was committing a felony.

  4. Jeffersonian Says:

    Won’t somebody pleeeeeease think of the (litle knife wielding) children.
    “rends clothes, gnashes teeth.”

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