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49 other states can’t be wrong

Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day for 2012

6 Responses to “49 other states can’t be wrong”

  1. breda Says:

    This isn’t about chili, I feel cheated somehow.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Ok, you win the internet.

  3. Todd Says:

    England has had this problem for a long while now. Seem when you take away the evil gun, bad people start turning to the evil knife. What Idiocy. Perfect proof of what happens when you take away personal responsibility and inanimate objects apparently begin committing crimes.

  4. Todd Says:

    Ignore that post. Wrong topic.

  5. CaptainVictory Says:

    Let me paraphrase Neil Young:

    Illinois, you’ve got the rest of the Union to help you along.

    What’s going on?

    Oh, Illinois …

  6. kbiel Says:

    [WookieSuit]Yes they can. See: prostitution.[/WookieSuit]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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