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Speaking of hypocrisy

Obama is glad that men with guns protect his daughter.

2 Responses to “Speaking of hypocrisy”

  1. JKB Says:

    Obama and the marshmallow gun. Or more appropriately Obama’s Dukakus moment.

  2. comatus Says:

    Don’t mess with him. He told the national champion TCU rifle team that he regularly trains with the SS at Quantico! You’d think he’d show his targets. Ah, well.

    Oh, about the Frogs, they’re currently in a match with Air Force, last NCAA before the nationals qualifier. AFA is shooting a team high for the season, but still the smart money’s on TCU. Them’s some real dangerous women. You can watch the shots online, if your heart’s up to it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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