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Like you and me, only better

A perk of the job is that cops speed a lot.

The other day, driving through the city (my the city) when there was a policeman behind me. I was watching him through the rear view because he kept getting a little too close to me for my tasted. Then, I noticed he was texting. As I came to make my turn, I told the Mrs. that this guy might hit me. Fortunately, he didn’t and managed to look up. I know, you’re thinking hey, that’s illegal. No, it’s not. Police officers have magical powers others don’t and are, therefore, exempt from the law.

7 Responses to “Like you and me, only better”

  1. karrde Says:

    So, I’ve got a few policeman in the extended family.

    One of them has jokingly said that his badge is a good get-out-of-speeding-tickets-free card.

    Another told a story of doing work in a small town, pulling someone over for speeding, and notice a Fraternal Order of Police sticker on the bumper. Said driver got away with a warning, when most drivers would be ticketed.

    It’s a common practice, and I don’t like it.

    However, there is also the fact that speed limits are the hardest-to-enforce and least-obeyed laws out there.

    Until the public at large agrees that speed limits are rule and not suggestion, there won’t be a push to have officers enforce it on each other.

  2. wildbill Says:

    The local cops speed, tailgate, run stop signs and stop lights, cut thru corner parking lots to avoid stopping, text, and talk on cell phones. My niece dated a local cop who got caught going over 100 mph on a motorcycle in a 30 in an adjacent town, without insurance or a license. Nothing happened to him.

  3. Shawn Says:

    When I’m on the highway I they tend to go well over 100 in the HOV. Except on the surface streets when traffic is so heavy they are forced to slow down. So they turn on their sirens to get out.

    And just think, if he would of hit you you would of been at fault and then arrested for endangering/assaulting an officer and destruction of police property.

  4. Wolfwood Says:

    My sister dated a very nice guy for several years who was the son of a DC cop. He, and all the members of his family, had a special card in his wallet that he’d been told to provide along with his license if he should ever be stopped. He was, again, a very nice guy and so I don’t think he ever had reason to use it, but it seemed like an abuse that such a thing even exists.

  5. Seerak Says:

    I rarely see cops doing something like 100mph if they aren’t running code (here speaking of Las Vegas Metro and the sundry PD’s around Los Angeles).. You know what I see them doing when they aren’t on traffic detail? 10-15 miles over, like the majority of the rest of us.

    They know what most of the rest of us know, who aren’t slavish speed-limit literalists: most speed limits are an average of 10-15 mph too low. Even if you ignore the revenue-generation aspect, the laws governing speed limits tend to be very rule-based in some jurisdictions and consequently inappropriate for actual local conditions. Around Vegas, there’s many roads which are out in the middle of the desert but near town, which can drop from 55 mph to 25 mph because of a zoning change, even though the road conditions are identical.

  6. Some Law Talking Guy Says:

    Avoiding speeding tickets is one of the least corrupt things police officers do. I’m actually surprised that normal citizens have as much respect for the police as they do.

  7. Sebastian not the blogger Says:

    Tailgating txting cop?

    One of the perks of an F350–suddenly a “cat” would have run out in the street in front of me.

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