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I’m with Les. This season is awesome. And they have good villains. I think Boyd Crowder is one of the best villains of all time. Well, is he really a villain in the classical sense? Seems more an opportunist looking to engage in commerce. Doesn’t seem to matter if it’s selling white supremacy, drugs, robbery, or a shakedown. He won’t ‘run whores’ though. Violates his principles and annoys his girlfriend. But he’s not really the main character’s arch-nemesis. He’s often helpful or, at least, useful to the good guys provided it benefits him.

10 Responses to “Justified”

  1. ExurbanKevin Says:

    Switching to a DSL and NetFlix and not paying $150+ per month in cable/phone/net access: Good.

    Not having Justified: Bad.

    Though it is worth a Season Pass on iTunes. Maybe I’ll do that.

  2. Drake Says:

    Goggins was such a shitheel in The Shield that I almost was resigned to hating him in anything in which he appeared. The level voice he employs as Boyd is an underappreciated facet of his character. Also, if you will notice he is proficient with many firearms other than the shotgun frequently seen in the trailers. He’s employed bolt-action rifles, pistols(I’ve got fifteen reasons and one in the chamber), as well as rockets. Very advanced for a hilljack.

  3. aeronathan Says:

    love the show. Been waiting till me and the wife can both sit down and watch though so I haven’t even started this season…

  4. HL Says:

    I enjoyed Goggins in “Predators”. I assume that was the same character he plays in Justifed.

    I, however, do not have time for a drama that isn’t on AMC. BB, TWD, and now HOW have me all sewed up.

    It took those three shows to fill the void left by “Battlestar Galactica: TNG” exiting.

  5. markthesnark Says:

    I think Boyd is more anti-hero than full on villian. There are so many times he is a sympathetic character that he over flows the boundries of mere antagonist.

  6. Matt Says:

    “Raylan, he was about to tun you into a pinata, and I don’t think it would be candy that came running out.”

    “Where have you been looking at houses?”
    “The greater Lexington neighborhood of Kiss My Ass.”

    What a great show.

  7. 4strokes Says:

    Elmore Leonard rocks! And, these TV folks are doing a great job of putting his stuff on the tube…

  8. Gnarly Sheen Says:

    It’s worth watching if only for Boyd’s immaculate, illustrious mane.

    I had seen the first 2 seasons and was delighted to see that Amazon already had season 3 going. Score!

  9. Paul Says:

    Boyd is the bad guy you would want on YOUR side!

  10. DJMoore Says:

    Something else on TV that not enough people are paying attention to:

    The Three Rules appeared on Blue Bloods Friday night, as a father has The Talk with his son.

    (Setup: Danny, the father, was in a firefight his family witnessed; in fact a bullet went through their car. The kid has been acting out at school. This is how Danny confronts his son’s fear and curiosity.)

    As you watch, remember this scene is not directed at you, who know all this stuff already. It’s aimed at the hoplophobes like Danny’s wife, Linda.

    It’s a huge sea change in the way network TV handles guns. It deserves attention and applause. I’m basically cheerleading for it at every opportunity.


    Something else shocking happened on Southland tonight: a mother whose out of control daughter had ruined her life seems to have convinced a too-busy-to-be-a-mom police detective not to have an abortion.


    Oh, and yes, Justified is wonderful, and Goggins is brilliant.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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