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Congrats to the SAF

But it needs more zeroes. Opposing civil rights should be expensive.

9 Responses to “Congrats to the SAF”

  1. Some Guy Says:

    Meh, the city council doesn’t care how many zeroes the check has, it isn’t their money.

  2. andy Says:

    They elected officials should be personally on the hook for these civil rights violations and the legal fees.

  3. IllTemperedCur Says:

    Bets on whether the check bounces?

  4. Adam Says:

    That first name on the check makes me giggle. Suck it, Rahm.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Nice. But yes; multiply by 100 and it gets really good.

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    The people who are paying bills like this need to be smacked with the clue-by-four until they realize what’s being done to them by the dipshits they’ve been stoopid enough to elect.

  7. wizardpc Says:

    /me takes note of the Bank Routing Number and Checking Account Number for the City of Chicago.

    Just noting, that’s all.

  8. Gene Hoffman Says:

    Ezell adds a zero – SO FAR.


  9. Chas Says:

    I’d like to see one with Bloomberg’s signature on it. After all, he says he supports the Second Amendment, doesn’t he?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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