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Can we put grownups in charge?

Senator holds breath, throws tantrum over fair share:

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-Rhode Island, today introduced the legislation, formally called now the “Paying a Fair Share Act,” today on the Senate floor.

And what does it do:

The legislation ensures that people with incomes exceeding $1 million pay at least a minimum federal tax rate of 30 percent. Taxpayers earning less than $1 million would not be affected by the bill.

Sounds familiar.

7 Responses to “Can we put grownups in charge?”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    No Link. But how would that affect the Senate, since the last I heard, ALL the Members were Millionaires?

  2. JimB Says:

    I’d like to see some politician with balls propose all that pay nothing now pay a minimum 5% income tax. Too many people paying nothing calling the shots.

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    Yeah, alternative minimum tax, what you said. The alt. minimum tax was considered so bad for the economy it was banished (or was it adjusted for floor?) just two years ago, and by a (D)onk Congress…

    Do these cretins think we don’t notice this crap?

    I have a solution, Senator Cretin: Flat tax. Everybody pays. I’ve seen calculations saying that if everybody paid a figure somewhere between 14% and 17%, we could dump both the business and personal tax system we have now.

    Everybody pays, then the Gummint can decide how many handouts it wants to give, and to whom.

  4. dustydog Says:

    Nobody donates money to Democrats like lawyers. Among lawyers, nobody donates money to Democrats like the tax lawyers.

  5. Ted N Says:

    Les: The smart money is on an exception for Congress members, their families, staff, etc.

    Scummy bastards.

  6. John A Says:

    I wonder how “icome” is defined. Warren Buffet effectively pays no income tax because he does not get a paycheck, only “capital gains” taxed at 15%.

  7. frankingun Says:

    For a brief moment, I thought they were going to make the 49% that don’t pay federal tax pay something…

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