Archive for December, 2011

December 27, 2011

In Cali

SAF announces a suit against the arbitrary waiting period for additional guns.

Shotgun shell Christmas lights


What caliber for polar bear?

If you’re tough, you just use a hammer.

The rise of bourbon

The NYT looks at the bourbon boom.


Makes the list of words we learned in 2011

How not to throw a grenade

Fast thinking from the instructor.

Congressional Victories

Merry Christmas from the NRA. No tax dollars to fund anti-gun studies.

Gun Blogger Rendezvous 2012

Mr. C. has set the dates. Not made the last couple but these are always fun.

The news in Legos

Some cool pics.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

In VA, police charge motorists with a law that doesn’t exist.

Gun Porn

Suppressors are polite

Random gun pics


December 24, 2011

What’s for dinner?

I’m a foodie. I’m curious what folks are having for Christmas dinner around the world. Tell me what you eat and where you’re from.

We do the redneck meal here in east TN. Deep fried turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, greens, yams, stuffing, sweet corn, etc.

December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

For the next few days, it will be holiday time at Casa de tío. Light blogging. So, some Christmas cheer:

Obviously, compensating for the size of her penis

Burglary Thwarted by Armed 11-Year-Old with Pink Rifle.

It’s an oldie but goodie.

What could possibly go wrong?

Hope and change: DOJ to America: we won’t reveal the circumstances under which you can be assassinated by us

Happy Festivus

I won’t be airing grievances. The list is too long. But here’s The Airing of Grievances from the past.

Oh snap

This amused me:

On behalf of all gays and lesbians living in Minnesota, I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for our community’s successful efforts to threaten your traditional marriage,” reads the letter from John Medeiros. “We apologize that our selfish requests to marry those we love has cheapened and degraded traditional marriage so much that we caused you to stray from your own holy union for something more cheap and tawdry.”

Sons of Guns

Been hearing the rumors for a few days, due to some facebook feuding but nothing confirmed. Now, it looks like Red Jacket did lose their Federal Firearms License for minor violations. They are the stars of the show Sons of Guns.

The American Revolutionary Era Origin of the Second Amendment’s Clauses

David E. Young’s recently published article in the JOURNAL ON FIREARMS & PUBLIC POLICY is now available on line.

The experiment begins

We gun nuts argue over whether or not storing magazines loaded affects spring reliability. One the one hand, some us believe that the storage itself isn’t an issue but that the compression cycles cause most wear of magazine innards. Others think that long term storage isn’t good for your magazines. Looking through some stuff, there was this old magazine for a Sig P220. By my calculation, that magazine has been stored loaded at full capacity for at least 13 years, probably longer. Trouble was, I no longer have a Sig P220. But I knew someone who did and I sent it to him. Dirt notes that it’s an old school zipper magazine. Well, he’s going to take it out and run it through its paces and see if the spring still springs. Should be interesting.

Making the switch

I’ve decided to pull the trigger on my conversion back to 9mm. As part of that, I’m going to switch to a Glock 26. This means that I no longer need the Glock 30. Anyone want to trade? I’m getting out of the whole rig and will replace it with a comparable rig for a Glock 26 and may consider a S&W M&P Compact. What I have:

A Glock 30 with a custom trigger job done by me.

One CompTac Minotaur holster.

One Galco Ultimate Second holster, also tuckable. I happen to love this holster and will be getting a replacement. But now, the call it the Tuck N Go.

One Galco mag carrier.

Four 10 round magazines.

Four 13 round magazines (aka for G21). When I carry this, I carry a 10 rounder in the gun and two 13 rounders in the carriers.

I figure, at retail, the whole set up is worth just shy of nine bills. I’ll let it go for $750 or a trade for a G26 or M&P Compact 9mm. Locals preferred, email me at if interested.

Are guns and ammo the new gold?

Interesting charts.

What 4th amendment?

In RI, a gas shortage. So, the local utility is going door-to-door shutting off valves. If you’re not home, the police and a locksmith will force entry into your home and shut it off.

More squeaky clean blogging

From Rivrdog. And it’s a helluva deal at under $2.

Stop me if you’ve heard this before

I’m a gun owner but . . .

First the shoulder thing that goes up, now this

Heh. They really don’t know a thing about those items they hate so.

Millions and millions

The Eddie Eagle gun safety program reaches its 25th million child.

Burying the lede

Cops tie a man to a chair, put hood over his face, and pepper spray him until he dies. Headline: Photo shows pepper-sprayed prisoner

I always feel like somebody’s watching me

FBI: Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Firearms Shops and Ranges.

Oddly, walking into a military cafeteria, shouting “allahu akbar” and opening fire on innocent people doesn’t make the list.

Like you and me, only better

Cops in Cali push to keep their ‘assault guns’ (whatever those are) after they retire.

Anti-gun mayor and member of Mayors Against Guns holds intruder at gun point.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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