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Newt and guns

A look at some of his anti-gun sentiment. I think Newt is mostly harmless when it comes to guns.

4 Responses to “Newt and guns”

  1. A Critic Says:

    A Russian once said (on the Internet):

    Is politician. Is dangerous.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    I think they said that about Bush Sr. too.

    (Bush Jr. was suppose to be on our side. Too bad he got upstaged by Obama. While Barack has turned out to be the best President for us since Clinton, his poly-ticking comes bundled with a body count.)

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Newt is a Professional Congress Critter. If elected, his Policies will be driven by this basic Principal: “Do I have enough Votes in the House and the Senate to pass this Legislation?”

    Forget his History Lessons, forget his Alternative Fiction, forget his Documentaries, forget his Marriage Record. He’s a Professional Congress Critter, and can only be Judged on his Legislative Record.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    Given what we know of those in Congress who somehow magically have their portfolio grow at a rate unavailable to mere mortals (it’s not illegal, they’re exempt from legalities!) Newt is a Professional Congress Critter. If elected, his Policies will be driven by this basic Principal: “Does this legislation make my wallet fat?” I don’t think he gives a fig about gun owners unless they present a potential “win” of some kind, like maybe a win with the Cerebrus group: Bushmaster, Remington Arms, Cobb Manufacturing (large-caliber tactical rifles), Marlin, Advanced Armament Corporation = aka the Freedom Group.

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