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I warned you

The robot Joe Biden army is coming: Mysterious planet-sized object spotted near mercury

6 Responses to “I warned you”

  1. yj Says:

    I swear to god that looks like the RV from Spaceballs

  2. nk Says:

    It’s a Steel World, home of the Others, aliens something in between a gorilla and a grizzly who are looking to conquer Earth and Gor (the counter-earth). But the last intelligence was that they were lurking in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Hmm? Change in strategy? I will have to confer with the Priest Kings.

  3. guy Says:

    I’m going to go with the obvious: Weather balloon, or swamp gas, or perhaps the image of Venus reflecting off temperature differentials in the atmosphere.

    Or a giant spaceship full of really hot alien chicks in 60’s miniskirts and gogo boots looking for love.

    From the images it’s a little hard to tell which.

  4. Joe Huffman Says:

    It is an artifact of the image enhancement. They remove “excess light” by subtraction of the “yesterday” light from “today” image. With the unusual event of the coronal mass ejection the algorithm failed and left an artifact which is actually, in a sense, the shadow of Venus from the day before.

  5. JL Piccard Says:

    A Romulan warbird is decloaking 500km off the port bow! Red Alert! Shields up, ready phasers!

  6. SoupOrMan Says:

    Huh. I figured the army of Robot Joe Bidens would be made in China by the lowest bidder. Clearly we’re going to be invaded by higher-quality Robot Joe Bidens than originally expected.

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