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Habitable planet

NASA may have found one. Getting there is another question.

6 Responses to “Habitable planet”

  1. dustydog Says:

    I think you mean, “getting back.”

    Getting past the angel with the flaming sword is going to be a problem (ref – the Book of Genesis).

  2. Jake Says:

    Oh for heaven sake mankind it’s only four 600 light years away you know!

    I don’t know. Apathetic bloody planet, I’ve no sympathy at all.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    I think Biden will just put in a High Speed Rail to get there.

  4. North Says:

    Good. Now I can keep trashing this one.

  5. Aaron Says:

    Hmmm… the Queen song ’39 keeps playin in my head every time I hear about this newly discovered world.
    However, just because it’s in the “goldilocks zone” in terms of solar radiation, who can say for sure about the actual habitability?
    IT’s apparently 2.4 times our mass – I would imagine that extra gravity could hamper or even prevent the development of dextrous vertebrate creatures.
    Atmospheric composition, volcanic/tectonic activity, and meteor strikes could all conspire, singly or in combination to snuff out whatever living organisms have developed or prevent them from developing.

  6. Bobby Says:

    OR there could be dinosaurs! You go first…

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