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Game theory

So, what is the optimum strategy for the bonus round of Wheel of Fortune?

7 Responses to “Game theory”

  1. Jim S Says:

    Are you asking for letters beyond RSTLNE? Or do you want to have an in-depth analysis of what letters should be called given the letters up there?

    I also got Highway Sign last night. High five to me!

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I’m guessing optimum strategy involves what letters should be called given the letters up there.

  3. Laughingdog Says:

    The advice I got, from some who has actually won big on the real-world WoF, was that CDMA will help you the most often.

    Playing it on Facebook?

  4. mikee Says:

    Continuing to press the button on the remote that changes the channel on the TV, to get past Wheel of Fortune as soon as possible?

  5. kbiel Says:

    Make better than ten percent on the Jeopardy! test so that you are not chosen to be on Wheel of Fortune? It’s my theory that the top scorers are invited to play Jeopardy! and the bottom scorers are invited to play on Wheel of Fortune. I don’t know whether the middle scorers get a nice parting gift.

  6. Steve Says:

    Mine involves whiskey.

  7. adam Says:

    +1 to what mikee said. Wheel! Of! Boring!

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