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The Walking Dead Blogging

Despite my complaints, I keep watching. It’s a decent show that gets stupid every once in a while. Once again: needs more dead zombies. Seriously, only one zombie in this last episode? Though it was a pretty creative zombie. Not as creative as the hanging zombie but neat. The way they dealt with it was dumb. It’s a zombie who wants to eat you. Lower a ladder and he’ll climb out to eat you.

And I have a thing for the farmer’s daughter.

Anti-gun idiocy again.

21 Responses to “The Walking Dead Blogging”

  1. HL Says:

    Only about 1 in 7 Zombies will be able to climb a ladder.

  2. North Says:

    Walking Dead jumped the shark here.

    When they pulled Glenn out of the well and he was laying on the ground I said out loud “oooohh. The Donger need food!”

    At that point we all realized that the time of expecting much from this show was over. Now we’ll watch it to make fun of it.

  3. Robert Says:

    All they had to do with the swimmer zombie was have Daryl shoot it with the crossbow. Bolt stays in the wound, minimal leakage, problem solved.

  4. Tam Says:

    …needs more dead zombies.

    Isn’t that a little tautological?

  5. Gerry Says:

    Drag the zombie out ofthe well and dump in a bunch of bleach or chlorine pool tablets. He was already leaking into the water before they pulled him out. Take a water sample and give it the whiney mom. Watcher her to see if she turns zeek.

    If she turns shoot her and start boiling the water.

    +1 one on the farmers daughter.

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Thank Crom I gave up on Satellite and Cable. I’ll catch up when the full Season hits Netflix.

  7. Cargosquid Says:

    Even though we all saw it coming even before the “heave ho” to get the zed out (Sounds like a laundry detergent ad…”gets the zed out!) that splitting zombie was great special effects….

    Is it just me but is America really weird and effed up? Close ups of disintegrating zombie followed by close ups of extremely violent zed head bashing…….but we can’t see a farmer’s daughter’s breasts…THAT’S what’s going to cause mental trauma.

  8. HL Says:

    Daryl is the best character on the show, though Shane is a mess too, and therefore good.

    If you watched “Hell On Wheels” afterwards, looks like a Daryl is about to be up Fuck River.

    I bet Merle shits on him in some way.

  9. HL Says:

    Also, Daryl is down to his last bolt for his crossbow…he can’t take a chance on losing it on the Bloated Zombie.

  10. Cargosquid Says:

    I’ve driven through Georgia. How in the hell are they missing all the automotive stores, gun stores and sporting goods stores? And the gas stations? Its only been a few months in movie time. There’s still gas at the stations.

  11. steve l Says:

    reading between the lines of comments made by readers of the comic I have a vague notion that the anti-gun push from the old vet is motivated less by hoplophobia and more by his desire to not have whatever is in his barn shot

    as for his daughter, the Emma Peel of the ZA; yes, hell yes, plus 1, up twinkles

  12. HL Says:

    Hmm..he didn’t want them setting up camp by his barn.

  13. Other Steve Says:

    Some of us TIVO shit. You think you could refrain from Walking Dead spoilers for a couple days until after it airs?

  14. Randy Says:

    If it holds to the graphic novels, there will be less zombies as it focusing more on the interaction of the survivors in there new world. I still think it’s a good show, not the same as season one but come on you can only have them shooting zombies for so long…people would complain there was no either way it’s impossible to please people.


    “It’s a decent show that gets stupid every once in a while. ”

    NO, its a stupid piece of melodramatic soap opera that occasionally has violence and zombies.

  16. thatguy Says:

    Walking Dead is looking more like the movie Pearl Harbor, I went to that cinematic event expecting all sorts of WWII battles and got a love story that was retarded that after a while remembered it was in the middle of a global war and went off to bomb Japan.

  17. Canthros Says:

    At the moment, The Walking Dead’s primary virtue is that it’s a weekly drama with zombies. Now, a weekly action/adventure with zombies would probably eat its lunch.

    I think we get to the barn by the end of the month, just to get it out of the way before the hiatus.

  18. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    I stopped watching after they did not kill the woman with short hair and the AWOL daughter. They should have smashed her head in with a rock.

  19. ern Says:

    They’re following the graphic novels loosely, and to be honest there wasn’t as much zombie killing in them as people might think. They’ve killed some people who lived in the books, and some have lived that were killed earlier.

    In the books, there’s usually an orgy of killing followed by long periods of relative calm. As for the silliness with the well, I think that was the whole point: wasted effort. They even pointed it out right after the epic fail.

    And yes, the gun stuff has to do with what’s in the barn, not a general antagonism toward guns. The daughter’s reaction to the zombie killing should give you a clue.

    Honestly, I prefer it being character centered rather than focused on zombie killing, but yeah, that’s not for everyone.

  20. Zendo Deb Says:

    When people start trying to explain their favorite TV shows, I get this blank look and wonder “What happened to that smart person?”

    A few years ago it was “24.” Yes, I’m sure it was cool that it all happened in “real time” or whatever, but the descriptions made it sound like the most fascist program ever. (Rule of law? constitution? Jack Bower was fighting TERRORISTS!) Whatever.

    I haven’t had a TV since 2002. Whenever I am stuck at a relative’s home, I do get sucked in (The HD version of CNBC’s market info is absolutely hypnotic, even if the commentary is absurd most of the time.)

    OK. Let me get this straight. A show about Zombies that has 1 zombie, and a poor attitude toward zombie-killing shotguns. (Are the using vinyl LPs like Frisbees to cut the heads off, a la Sean of the Dead?) Just doesn’t sound like time well spent. Rent a copy of Resident Evil. Whichever number. Milla Jovovich has a really good attitude toward shotguns. Rewatching the original Night of the Living Dead sounds like a better time. Watching any of the Evil Dead movies…

    Just sayin.

    You know, just because you have a TV, doesn’t mean you have to watch TV…. surly there are other things you could be doing? Have you read every Shakespeare play? I recommend The Odyssey. Or Beowulf. Or Gilgamesh. All the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries? Have you read John Locke? Thomas Hobbes? The Autobiography of Ben Franklin? If it has to be TV… have you seen every Alfred Hitchcock movie? There are things to do which don’t include American prime-time drek.

  21. Cargosquid Says:


    ZOMBIES! and uh….zombies…..

    well, kinda….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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