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Tag and release

I think that’s a good idea for bureaucrats and officials.

9 Responses to “Tag and release”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    It’s a class C misdemeanor in TN to attach a GPS device to someone else’s car, with certain exceptions.

    You know what a class C misdemeanor will get you?

    A $50 fine.


  2. mikee Says:

    In Austin, TX, the city animal shelter will neuter/spay any feral cats a citizen catches, for release back into the neighborhood. Supposedly this results in less breeding by feral cats, and overall fewer feral cats.

    So along with tag and release, can we somehow apply the above to the bureaucrats and officials?

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Don’t forget the Ankle Bracelets! Sneaky Bastards may just take the Bus, then you’ve lost track of them again.

  4. Cargosquid Says:

    Heck, we need to just keep them on a chain leash. A short one. Screw that “release” part. They need a good jerk to keep them in line, every now and then.

  5. Ellen Says:

    Once you catch a bureaucrat I can see tagging him, but why in the world would you release him?

    I take that back, I wouldn’t want to live next door to the Bureaucrat Humane Society.

  6. Mad Rocket Scientist Says:

    Oh bubblehead, no politician or bureaucrat would take the bus, that’s for the little people!

  7. DirtCrashr Says:

    I think a big “B” tattooed on the forehead would be appropriate. For Bureaucrat or for Bitch.

  8. HiddenHills Says:

    Once trapped, TWRA prohibits release or relocation of nuisance wildlife. By law, they must be put down.

  9. mariner Says:


    THAT sounds like a better program for politicians and bureaucrats.

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