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I guess I won’t be flying any more

Knoxville airport to get privacy invading, not adequately tested for human use body scanners.

3 Responses to “I guess I won’t be flying any more”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    No kidding. I will not fly unless I leave the US first..
    Nassau is a good spot.

  2. M1_Rifleman Says:

    Nashville has ’em too. I just opt out and get the free deep tissue massage. They don’t appreciate my groans of delight, though. What can I say? I like a good rub down. 😉

  3. dustydog Says:

    They have been adequately tested.
    Testing doesn’t make a product more or less safe. Testing characterizes the product. Testing lets us understand how safe or unsafe something is.

    The dangers of the scanners very are well understood. The government and its contractors just haven’t released that information yet.

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