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They hate him so we like him

The Brady Campaign is helping Rick Perry’s poll numbers?

11 Responses to “They hate him so we like him”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    The Brady Bunch SOOOO wants Romney if they can’t get Obama.

  2. Jack Says:

    Sure. Romney actually signed an AWB.

    I don’t like Perry, but I dislike Romney more, and Obama a lot more.

    We really need the option to give negative votes.

  3. Ron W Says:

    Jack, I agree.

    Furthermore, I am always leery of someone saying they’re pro- 2nd Amendment, but refusing to answer pro-gun rights organization surveys such as the following e-mailing I received from :

    “Where does Rick Perry stand on these important Second Amendment issues?

    He hasn’t said.

    And I’m afraid time is running out.

    With one day left before the September 15th deadline for Governor Perry to return his National Association for Gun Rights’ Presidential Survey, he has so far thrown up a stone wall.

    Yeah, Governor Perry says he carries and that he has killed a coyote. But I carry every day as well. That doesn’t make me pro-gun.

    I certainly have no problem saying where I stand on ALL Second Amendment issues. I know you don’t.

    Governor Perry shouldn’t either.

    Republican presidential candidates Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann have returned their NAGR Presidential Surveys 100% in support of our Second Amendment rights. Herman Cain has as well.

    Mitt Romney has refused to respond. Newt Gingrich has refused to respond.

    With his deadline close to passing without having returned a survey, Rick Perry is teetering on the edge of being added to this infamous group of Republicans who refuse to tell gun owners where they stand.

    You see, two decades of history dealing with politicians at the local, state and federal levels tells me that silence on Second Amendment issues usually leads to trouble.

    It usually means a politician is hiding something — his true beliefs on the Second Amendment.

    What is Mr. Perry hiding? Why won’t he tell gun owners what he really believes?”

  4. Jeffrey H Says:

    While I am not a Rick Perry Supporter (I am voting for Ron Paul) He would be much better on the 2nd amendment than Romney. While Perry hasn’t exactly pushed our gun rights forward in Texas he signs every pro-gun bill that gets put in front of him.

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    I’ll vote for Perry. From way over here in California he looks pretty good. I can’t stand Romney or his Democrat platform basis.

  6. Matthew Carberry Says:

    National Association for Gun Rights questionnaire?

    The “pro-gun” group that skews wackier than GOA and has made utterly asinine claims about the National Reciprocity bill?

    I’d love to read it and see just how poorly written the questions are.

    Even given what little I know about them, refusing to have anything to do with that group or their questionnaire is a plus in my book.

  7. Ellen Says:

    Refuse to answer a NAGR questionnaire? Heck, I go further than that! I never answer questionnaires sent out by advocacy groups. Even if the questions are honest, I doubt the reporting of the answers will be. This is true even for groups I agree with.

  8. Erik Says:

    Who the heck cares about the NAGR questionnaire? When I saw the video of Perry taking the bloggers to the gun range, that was pretty much all I needed to know. I can’t imagine Romney doing such a thing, let alone Obama.

  9. Durak Says:

    I can’t believe any so-called Conservative, Independent or libertarians voting for Perry after he condones education for illegal immigrants. I mean its not like they are killing border agents or dragging down healthcare.

  10. someguy Says:

    Going out on a limb, here, but perhaps Perry’s strategy is to not respond to wacky questionnaires in the primaries so that the Dems can’t use his hardcore responses against him in the general to sap the housewife (“for the children”) vote? Not saying I agree with it, but you can’t argue the guy is anti-gun, seems more like a tactical move.

  11. Ron W Says:

    Could be someguy,

    I recall Barry claiming it wasn’t his signature on a questionaire where he supposedly supported a ban on private handgun ownership.

    But ANY politician, especially for Prez who is surrounded by hired guns, that doesn’t trust the citizens (his EMPLOYERS) with the means of self-defense of their choosing is not to be trusted and is UNFIT to serve a free and self-governing people.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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