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Hannity on guns

Was taking the boy to soccer yesterday and caught a bit of his show. I don’t care for him or his show much. But he went on about gun control, noting that gun control is using both hands. I was surprised at a NY faux conservative being pro-gun. Good.

18 Responses to “Hannity on guns”

  1. j t bolt Says:


  2. Robert Says:

    I listen to Hannity a bit, and he is usually a bit over the top on things, but one thing that I have never heard from him is that government is better at making decisions for individuals than the individuals themselves.

    He doesn’t talk about firearms much, but the few times that they have come up on either his radio show or TV show, he always seems to land on the side that I agree with which is:

    Less government intrusion
    More individual liberty

  3. jh Says:

    I’ve heard Sean talk about this before. He grew up shooting guns since he was a kid, 9yrs or younger. He mentioned that he’s had carry permits from 3 different states (in the south). I specifically remember him saying GA was one of them. Pretty sure he’s a NY permit holder currently.

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yeah, I suspect that the days of in-the-open gun-bans such as “Handgun Control inc” et al.

    I think our biggest challenge tho is going to be from people like Hannity, or Farago, or the countless “I’m a Gun Owner But…” types these days.

    I think the modern person understands who the gun banners are and what they do…but these modern “I’m a gun owner but…” types might be able to sneak under the radar as they talk about bullshit laws and foolish restrictions.

  5. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    I would concur…some of the most vitriolic anti carry rights arguments I’ve heard come from people who insist they own guns but would never use them outside of the house. Stupid.

    Isn’t Hannity on the list of people important enough in NYC to get to actually protect themselves?

  6. Bill Twist Says:

    Sean Hannity does indeed have a “business carry” permit in NYC:

    Generally, a business carry permit is given to people who claim that they carry thousands in cash for business reasons. In practice, though, that’s the only politically acceptable reason in NYC, so that means only the rich and well connected get them. It’s an effective filter to ensure that the “little people” don’t get to protect themselves, while granting the privilege to the “important people”.

  7. Bill Twist Says:

    To put it in perspective, there are 8.2 million people living in NYC, and yet there are only around 36,000 pistol permits in the city. Only one out of every 227 people in NYC has a legal handgun. And that’s just *OWNERSHIP* permits, that’s not carry permits.

  8. HL Says:

    Hannity is a strong supporter of gun rights. It isn’t something he covers a lot, but he is on our side.

  9. chris Says:

    Hannity’s TV show is awful – nothing more than an echo chamber of political hacks and consultants and him repeating 3 or 4 talking points per night.

    But he has mentioned before that he likes to shoot a lot and that he is a pretty good shot.

    I don’t dislike the guy personally (even though, as pointed out above, he is a metro), but his show and his schtick jumped the shark years ago.

  10. Bubblehead Les Says:

    He’s also good friends with Ted Nugent, and I think he was at the NRA Con a few years ago. But he calls himself a “Reagan Conservative”, so he’s definitely NOT in the Libertarian Camp. But I’d still drink a beer with him in my “Roseless Garden.” ; )

  11. Old NFO Says:

    He does have a carry permit too!

  12. Jusuchin (Military Otaku) Says:

    Listen to Hannity, and I prefer him. Watching his show on the other hand isn’t as pleasurable than listening to him.

    That said, he’s pretty solid on gun issues.

  13. Ron W Says:

    The most outspoken pro-gun political talking head on TV I’ve seen and heard is Lou Dobbs…even back when he was on CNN. Maybe that was one reason they got rid of him over there. He now has been relegated to a lower profile show on, what is it, Fox News Business Channel at around 5-6 PM weekdays. Of course, he addressed other issues that are not allowed in polite political duopoly company.

  14. Chris2 Says:

    Not a fan. Hannity just summarizes what Limbaugh and others say on their shows. I’m glad he’s on our side and he has and audience, mind you, but his use of the words ‘political hacks’ makes me roll my eyes.

  15. Beaumont Says:

    I agree that any conservative or libertarian worthy of the name should be getting out of NY. But Hannity is from that area, so that might be a mitigating factor. I don’t see obvious metro tendencies in his demeanor, tho, & I don’t believe he’s a faux-conservative.

  16. Ron W Says:


    I agree.

    Hannity claims to be so conservative, but fawns and gushes praise over left wing Republican, Rudy Guiliani,..”oh, Mr. Mayor!”, who marched in the Gay Pride Parade, is anti-gun and presided over an illegal alien sanctuary city while Mayor of NYC.

  17. Chris2 Says:

    And let us not forget Klinton GAVE Rudy the pen he signed the 94 crime bill in to law with.

  18. TIM Says:

    Let’s just hope he stays that way.Anymore it seems like you just never know.They are or say one thing until in a higher position then it is another way.

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