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A woman with terminal bone cancer has a yard sale to cover her medical bills. The police shut her down. It is the law.

11 Responses to “Compassion”

  1. junyo Says:

    “According to the Community Development Department, there is a reason for the law. In the past some people had set up what ended up being permanent flea-market-type sales on their property.”

    And God forbid you do something they don’t like on your own property.

  2. mikee Says:

    Sorry, I have to disagree with junyo. I apprediate that this woman has a problem but her solution to it is not right. It is an imposition on her entire neighborhood to have high-traffic yard sales on a weekly basis in her front yard.

    There were two houses near mine that had yard sales every Saturday – all day, every week. They brought in their sales merchandise by use of large trucks. The traffic jams they caused in their neighborhoods were ridiculous. After about two years of this, the city passed an ordinance requiring permits for yard sales, and limiting yard sales permits to twice a year per address. The folks running the businesses to their neighbor’s irritation were the ones who ruined yard sales for all normal folks.

    If you want to run a retail business, rent a stall at a flea market. If you want to live in a residential neighborhood, don’t run a high-traffic retail business out of your home.

  3. mikee Says:

    Sorry, I have to disagree with junyo. I appreciate that this woman has a problem but her solution to it is not right. It is an imposition on her entire neighborhood to have high-traffic yard sales on a weekly basis in her front yard.

    There were two houses near mine that had yard sales every Saturday – all day, every week. They brought in their sales merchandise by use of large trucks. The traffic jams they caused in their neighborhoods were ridiculous. After about two years of this, the city passed an ordinance requiring permits for yard sales, and limiting yard sales permits to twice a year per address. The folks running the businesses to their neighbor’s irritation were the ones who ruined yard sales for all normal folks.

    If you want to run a retail business, rent a stall at a flea market. If you want to live in a residential neighborhood, don’t run a high-traffic retail business out of your home.

  4. fucema Says:

    @mikee Correction to your comment. She was holding her yard sales in her back yard, not her front yard.

  5. junyo Says:

    Then cite her for creating a public nuisance, or disrupting traffic, or a noise ordinance, or something that I’m sure they have on the books that allows them to address the impact she’s theoretically having on property not belonging to her. And if they can’t quantify impact on property not belonging to her then they can go pound sand. Passing a law limiting yard sales is just lazy, inefficient legislation, creating a widespread legal “because I said so” so that the state doesn’t have to do the legwork to deal with a handful of assholes.

  6. Bert Says:

    Honestly, if it terminal, the last thing I would worry about is paying bills.

    Family, friends, fun first.

  7. wildbill Says:

    Karma’s a bitch. What the neighbor and police have sown, so shall they reap. If you show no compassion for your fellow man, don’t expect to receive any yourself.

  8. Bryan S. Says:

    Its the letter of the law. We want officials and police to follow it, and moan when they dont break it for a special case?

    If they want to make this woman’s plight easier, they could probably grant her a temporary commercial license. Or help organize some sort of fund-raising to help her out.

  9. SayUncle Says:

    Bryan, or we say ‘wow, those laws are stupid’

  10. ATLien Says:

    or blow up city hall and turn flame-throwers on the cops.

    that should be the answer to stupid government interference.

    oh, btw, if you don’t want people in your neighborhood, move to alaska. live with the bears. or do like Uncle did and scare them off with a tire thrown in the street.

  11. Sid Says:

    Sister to breast cancer. Father to colon cancer. Mother to brain cancer. Three losses.

    But I agree with the police in this case. They didn’t handcuff her and impound her stuff. They just told her to shutdown the operation. They received a complaint from a citizen and acted in a humane and decent manner. What would you have them do?

    The neighbor who reported the activity….. I don’t know enough to judge. Were customers blocking the driveways or backing over the flowerbeds? We just don’t know. Did her neighbor who reported her know about her diagnosis and her plight? We just don’t know. Was she a hostile person who got nice in front of the camera? Who knows the heart of another?

    The a**hole in Canton, OH, should lose his badge and sit in jail. The police in this case seem to have performed their duty well. A local church could have hold a yard sale for her. Or a local company could do an estate auction and waive any fees. Or a local flea market could give her a space free of charge and benefit from the publicity. She has options.

    I can’t condemn what the police did here.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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