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“deputy chief executive of nothing right now”

What’s up with all the weirdness in Arizona? The heat?

4 Responses to ““deputy chief executive of nothing right now””

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So the local Politburo has decided to do a Purge and has placed their local KGB Head in Charge?

  2. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    There is a George Will column from nearly 20 years ago that explains the craziness of Arizona. I’ll see if I can find it.

  3. Stretch Says:

    The societal breakdown we’re seeing nationwide leads me to believe I need more ammo.

  4. JohnW Says:

    Essentially what it boils down to is small-town politics writ large, fueled by a police chief with a grudge against a citizen who has admittedly pushed back against harassment.
    And I don’t care what George Will says, we Zonies are saner than most. Mostly.

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