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Pima County Republican chair asked to step down and relinquish his duties. The reason is because he was critical of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department because they shot Guerena in a SWAT raid.

15 Responses to “Ugly”

  1. Phelps Says:

    If the SOP of the GOP is to have someone step down every time they criticize a Democrat elected sheriff, then they can expect to have nothing but Democrats elected as sheriff.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Note to self: Avoid Pima County for the rest of my life.

  3. ExUrbanKevin Says:

    That’s the bad news. The good news is, the Tea Party wing of the GOP is fightin’ mad over this,

    And if you avoid Pima County, you’ll never meet Kevin Baker or some of the other cool gunbloggers in The Old Pueblo! 🙂

  4. JP Says:

    The Chairman used the official Pima County emailing list to send out a mass email. It contained phrases like “militarization of police” and others I don’t recall.

    Apparently this irked some people and a local conservative talk radio host interviewed him about it. He got a lot of bad press because of it, and here we are.

    He probably should not have used the official GOP mailing list to say such things, but on the other hand, what he said was truth.

    Hopefully those of us in Pima County can get Dupnik out in 2012 and get someone IN who will turn that department around.

  5. settles Says:

    Yeah, becuase the criticism is the REAL outrage. Unbelieveable.

  6. Sid Says:

    Ummm, wow…. So the shooting of 72 rounds at an honorably discharged veteran in his home sparks no call to action but CRITICIZING those actions sparks a call for the chairman to resign….

    My wife is a well-trained classical vocal performer (she sings). She has a joke from her choral work that goes “you put the em-PHA-sis on the wrong syl-LA-ble.”

    Who are we to believe, the Pima County Sheriff’s Department or our own eyes? They executed a man in his home with his loved ones present. If (no judgement whatsoever) if if if, if he was guilty of what was suspected, then why didn’t they just pull him over while driving home from work? Why break into his home and shoot 72 rounds? Dumb luck? Incompetence? Time to rethink role of law enforcement? Time to rethink use of forced entry? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Let’s just fire the chairman for asking for accountability.


  7. itsnotgonnachange Says:

    The militarization of the police will continue to happen until there is real outrage and a good solid revolt.

    Think about hte concept of a SWAT team…. its a small paramilitary group who does not answer to any real chain of command. What you ask gives them the right to make war on you?

    Nothing….. so when they come to your house shoot first and ask questions later … you know they will

  8. Don Says:

    The Republican party is only as good as what it stands for — pretty bad news, really — was hoping everyone at least understood the nature and extent of this problem, if not agreeing on solutions…

  9. junyo Says:

    The only thing more effective that ‘for the children’ is ‘for our heroes’. The teachers union in NJ ran an ad going after Christie that looked like deleted scenes from Hill Street Blues and Backdraft. Scott Walker went soft on the cop unions. No politician ever got elected going against the cops, and the GOP committee chair is in the business of getting Republicans elected. Good, bad, or indifferent, the moment he ceased being useful towards getting Republicans elected (and I’m gonna guess that was right around the time some Democratic marketing consultant started working on a punchy way to work “Republican chair” and “hates the people who protect you” into the same campaign ad) he stopped being useful. Again, not saying it’s right, just entirely predictable.

  10. Robert Says:

    And a hundred thousand more people said to themselves: “I’m not a Repbulican anymore…I’m a libertarian.”

  11. Kristopher Says:

    This is simply a fight between the TEA partiers and the GOP old guard in Pima county.

    75% of the precinct seats there were vacant before the TEA Party became active. They are filling all of them now. They elected the current chair.

    The old guard is getting thrown out, and are trying to slap down the unruly peasants before they get removed from their committee posts.

  12. Firehand Says:

    When LAPD first started the SWAT team, it was made up of specially-trained officers who carried the SWAT gear in their trunk while on normal duties, and the van carried more/special stuff to the scene if needed; and one of the big concerns was that the teams would start being used, well, like they are now. Add in what seems to be half-trained people being used for crap they shouldn’t be involved in…

    Then add in the police threatening politicians for daring to say unkind things, and there’s a bunch of people who need to either be retrained, or unemployed.

  13. John Smith. Says:

    If anybody wants to stir up some shit here are some leads from Tucson Weekly. Grabbed the informative stuff…

    Republican District 26 state Rep. Terri Proud actually sent out an e-mail in which she called for Brian Miller’s resignation. Five Republican members of the state Legislature from Pima County sent a letter to precinct committeemen disavowing Miller and his work on this issue. Finally, in a recent emergency meeting of the Pima County Republican Central Committee, Miller was stripped of virtually all of his responsibilities as chairman.

  14. Ferret Says:

    Doesn’t anyone find it in the slightest bit ironic that members of the local Republican party got incensed by one of their own daring to talk about the elephant in the room?

  15. SPQR Says:

    Pima county is pretty screwed up and corrupt place but I’m hoping that the rank and file finally rise up and clean it out.

    Forlorn hope, I know.

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