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Set your dials

Mike Vanderbough to be on FoxNews.

6 Responses to “Set your dials”

  1. Chris Byrne Says:

    Oh dear god…

  2. Mike Vanderboegh Says:

    Linoge will find this difficult to believe, but I didn’t drool or spit once. 😉

  3. Jake Says:

    I didn’t drool or spit once.

    Don’t worry, they’ll add that in before it airs.

  4. Linoge Says:

    Wow. Talk about obsessive…

  5. Justin Buist Says:

    My DVR locked up while this was on the air. Is there a YouTube clip out there?

  6. SayUncle Says:


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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