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Note to web advertisers

heh: It’s More Likely You Will Survive A Plane Crash Or Win The Lottery Than Click A Banner Ad

6 Responses to “Note to web advertisers”

  1. Oleg Volk Says:

    Both the photos and the stats appear to be tongue-in-cheek.

  2. anon Says:

    In related news… Attention web advertisers: never, ever, under any circumstances sign me up for your promotional spam by default. Doing so ensures 100% that you will NOT receive any repeat business…

  3. Cliff Says:

    Perhaps true for me in general, but I like the advertisers on Uncle, so I have clicked on them.

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I first messed around on ARPANET back in 1982, and I have an email address dating back to about 1996. I think I’ve clicked on banners out of actual interest maybe 5 or 6 times since then. Of course, advertising is more likely to repel me than attract me generally. Just how I am.

  5. armed_partisan Says:

    When radio was first invented, there was a large movement to nationalize all radio broadcasting, because it was felt that there would never be anyway to make this world changing technology profitable. The idea that people would pay other people to do a show or play music and to credit them for paying for it by saying “This show brought to you by Schwabs Department Stores. For the best prices, and friendly service, shop at Schwabs” seemed silly and absurd. People weren’t about to start spending hard earned money to shop in a store they never heard of because they financed a show they liked on the radio! That’s ridiculous!

    Only… it worked. That’s exactly what happened, and the age of commercial advertising was born. It then translated to TV and print (which oddly, didn’t feature much in the way of advertising until after the age of mass communications proved it could be quite profitable) and now it works for the internet, otherwise companies wouldn’t do it.

    Those stats a clearly bogus, and I can assert that I have personally clicked on banner ads many times to show my support for a website or because I though a product was intriguing.

  6. Huck Says:

    When a ad is jiggling, flashing, jumping out and covering my screen, etc. I damn sure will NEVER click on them. I figure if the advertiser has to do lame annoying shit like that to get attention to his product then the product sucks as badly as the ads do.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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