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I don’t get it either

The obsession with the Anthony trial. But Tam nails it:

Do I think Ms. Anthony killed her daughter? Based on what little information on the case I’ve been unable to avoid, I’d say “Probably, yes,” but you can’t hang somebody for probably killing someone, and that’s the way it should be.

10 Responses to “I don’t get it either”

  1. Chas Says:

    The prosecution couldn’t establish a cause of death. Hard to get a murder conviction out of that. How could they even bring a case with no cause of death?
    I realize that we have a semi-almighty government that refuses to be reasonable, but when there’s no case they shouldn’t prosecute, despite wanting to prosecute. It didn’t take the jury long to see through the prosecution’s house of cards, so why couldn’t the prosecution see it? Government hubris is why, which is the same issue that has us fighting for our gun rights. Our arrogant, overbearing, government can’t imagine that it could be wrong. The Nazis had the same problem.
    Government needs to be reined in, and that is not an approach that can come from the Democrat Party. The Tea Party has the approach that is needed now.

  2. Jeff Says:

    Proof beyond a reasonable doubt exists for a reason. Convicting someone because you’ve got a case of the probablies is a slippery slope. Screw the prosecutor for hitting the news circuit over his dismay, when he should really be on their talking about the weakness of his case and the sloppy preparation.

  3. Mu Says:

    Chas, you’re so right, that Democrat controlled Florida legislature won’t do anything to reign in the government. They really need to elect a governor with Tea Party support.

  4. Wilbur Says:

    Here in O’town the past 2-3 years have been “all Casey Anthony, all the time” in the media. I suspect Lawson Lamar (the elected State’s Attorney in Orlando) couldn’t avoid going to trial on this without the media jeopardizing his re-election chances in 2012.

  5. Miguel Says:

    I am guessing Mu is being facetious? Just in case, the Fl legislature is Republican with veto-proof majority and Gov. Scott did have Tea party support.

    Orange County Fl is heavily Democratic and the DAs have no compulsion on screwing the pooch if it serves them politically. Mickey Mouse County.

  6. Ron W Says:

    Actually making it difficult for the government to prosecute and convict is reigning in the government, which is what our founders intended. The problem is that in many cases, the government, particularly the Feds, can be judge, jury and executioner without due process of law–you know, like when there’s a SWAT team killing at the wrong address…or if you’re branded as a “domestic terrorist” according to the Patriot Act.

  7. JKB Says:

    But there is already a petition going for Caylee’s law to make it a felony for a parent to take more than 1 hour to report the death of a child and 24 hrs to report a missing child.

    Somebody’s got to go to jail. For something.

  8. Gunnutmegger Says:

    I believe the standard is “beyond a reasonable doubt”, not “beyond any doubt whatsoever” or “beyond the idiotic fabrications of a defense attorney”.

    There is a reason they call that state FloriDUH.

  9. Phelps Says:

    This case is proving valuable for showing which of us are capable of showing logical discernment and an understanding of cause and effect, and which of us live on emotion and leaps of intuition.

  10. Tam Says:



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