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Head of ATF likely to go

Well, not to jail. But to resign over this guns in Mexico thing. Good.

10 Responses to “Head of ATF likely to go”

  1. Paul Says:

    He needs to be sent to …. MEXICO for life.

  2. John Says:

    Resign? Not good enough. There must be criminal charges and an actual, meaningful conviction. That would approach the realm of sufficient.

  3. Ellen Says:

    I bet Obama and Holder think throwing him under the bus will cause the investigation to stop. What *I* think, after watching this administration, is that we need much stricter registration and control of buses.

  4. alan Says:

    I agree with John. Allowing a scapegoat to resign won’t do.

  5. comatus Says:

    Brilliant, Paul. There would be nothing cruel, unusual, or unconstitutional about reassigning an attorney general or BATFE’er to head up our Guadalajara office. Hell, freeze his higher salary rate; it won’t be for that long. Then if the esteemed public servant chooses to resign rather than face the same fate he decreed for others, well, so be it. Elegant. Mole habanero for the gander.

  6. MSJ Says:

    He will get a gold parachute instead of an orange jumpsuit.

  7. me Says:

    Not quite sure how they think something of this magnitude, is punishable by just resignation. Come on, this is a criminal as it gets. If you or I did this, hell Federal Pen for a decade or two.

    These bureaucratic idiots intentionally ran guns across the border, to create a bigger crisis, more gun crime etc.

    And its their job to prevent this.

    Rule of law is dead in this country, as long as your a politician, well connected bureaucrat or banker.

  8. Lyle Says:

    Does he keep his pension?

  9. Trent D. Says:

    This is kind of bad. It’ll force the Andrew Traver nomination to be reviewed by the Senate, and I’m not sure Republicans will want to “waste” political capital resisting him.

    Traver is a gun-grabbing fiend, the head of the Chicago ATF office, and a known crony of the Joyce Foundation. Read more at Michelle Malkin’s site, here:

    Stay vigilant, folks.

  10. Standard Mischief Says:

    news-critters on the radio today said that the BATFE’s budget is going to get the ax, along with another three letter agency. No source was given though.

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