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Quote of the day

Nancy: I know to roll my eyes when my coworker tells me that if the caliber doesn’t start with a “.4”, it’s not worth carrying.

4 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. John Says:

    So a 4.35mm is cool?

  2. Cayton Says:

    I give up. Why should January 23rd be a national holiday?

  3. Chas Says:

    Of course it has to start with a “.4”! No one’s ever been stopped with a .38 Special, or a .357 Magnum, or a 9mm Parabellum because the calibers are too small to be effective. They’ve never worked. Not even once. Even.

  4. Geodkyt Says:

    23 January — birthday of John Moses Browning (PBUH)

    (Geodkyt, AKA Nancy’s Shorter Half)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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