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Beer in the city

Looks like Sierra Nevada may be opening up shop in my fair county.

5 Responses to “Beer in the city”

  1. Reno Sepulveda Says:

    My favorite hot weather brew, drink with confidence. I’ve been to the Chico facility and they are a class act.

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    Haven’t had much of that brand because it ends up so dang expensive after shipping. Coors use to (still does?) brew up double strength flat swill and ship it in bulk to other areas. Then they would water it down, force carbonate and can the stuff. Cue the canoes and rocky mountain advertisement.

    Me, I’m happy to live near enough to the Yuengling factory. Outstanding beer at bud lite prices.

    Nothing bad can come of this news, I understand they’re reforming the beer strength laws just for a chance at snagging the new factory

  3. bwm Says:

    Three words:

    Bigfoot. Barleywine. Ale.

    Yummm. Best Sierra Nevada offering.

  4. Lyle Says:

    They do make good beer, to be sure.

    pssst; you can make your own though, and it’s not terribly difficult or expensive to get started – if it was done thousands of years ago, you can do it too. Last batch I made rendered 8 gallons bottled, for about 30 bucks in consumables (less if you go closer to the farm for your stuff), and I like it as well as anything I’ve tried. Plus it’s wonderful to see the magic happen– turning grain into something fizzy, heady, hoppy and delightful.

    There was this signature line on one of the brewing forums;
    Why would anyone brew 20 gallons of beer at a time? Answer; It’s 20 gallons of beer, for fuck’s sake.

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    brewing your own beer looks to be on par with reloading your own ammo. By the time you work your way up to all grain brewing, you’ve upped your consumption x5 and (finally) lowered your cost per beer by 40%. That extract ain’t cheap and you need to buy in quantity to get hops down to a reasonable price too.

    At the very least you can reuse the CO2 tank on the Kegerator for your MIG welder, bulk storage of all those pinto beans, and refilling your paint-ball tank.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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