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Green Bullets

In times of war, it’s a good thing to know that the military has the time and money to research and deploy environmentally friendly ammo:

The cartridge, sometimes called the “green bullet” because it has an environmentally-friendly copper core instead of the traditional lead, has been getting mostly good reviews in the 11 months since it first deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom.


10 Responses to “Green Bullets”

  1. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    And there was much rejoicing. yay.

  2. Lautius Says:

    This could actually be a good thing, for training purposes. Here in Chicago, Great Lakes Naval Station was banned from firing into Lake Michigan because of the potential for lead contamination. This new bullet should get around that ban. The military can train in useful environments that were unavailable to them due to environmentalist protests. Whatever you think of those bans and protests, this bullet renders them moot.

  3. Gunmart Says:

    I am sure that Bin Laden cared that it was a green bullet that went through the back of his head and came our his eye socket

  4. Nylarthotep Says:

    Copper core must be really inexpensive to make. With copper prices today I’m betting these rounds are very expensive. But hey, it’s only money.

  5. TomcatTCH Says:

    It’s more about the enhanced projectile’s effect than it is it’s “green” impact.

    But it is much easier to sell something “green” to those fuckers in congress than something not “green”.

  6. John Smith. Says:

    I bet that is how they are getting the velocity increase out of the M-4…

  7. aeronathan Says:

    Copper works for Barnes so why not I guess….

  8. MrSatyre Says:

    If you’re an aggressor nation, then you should not—nor should anyone else—expect unusual and unnecessary measure to be taken on the part of the retaliatory party to ensure that so-called “green”. weapons are used.

    In other words: don’t fuck around with big dogs with sharp teeth.

  9. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “‘Green’ ammo sounds like a good idea. Anything we can use to con more money out of the taxpayers works for us. We still have a ways to go to get to the 100% taxation that is communism. We’re already milking the ‘green’ thing for everything it’s worth. We’ve invested in using Pavlovian association to propagandize people into being willing to pay more to be ‘environmentally friendly’ (it’s such a happy thing!), and now we’re ready to take their money! Ha! Ha! We used to be ‘Reds’, but now we’re ‘Greens’! This environment scam is one of the best ruses we’ve ever come up with! Too bad the AGW thing has collapsed – we were going to take over the world with it!”

  10. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    It’s more about the enhanced projectile’s effect than it is it’s “green” impact.

    But it is much easier to sell something “green” to those fuckers in congress than something not “green”.
    THIS. M855A1s development had much more to do with fixing the problems with M855 (like lethality severely dependent on the projectile yaw cycle) than the green aspect. But green gets funding. This is also why the rounds are being fielded to theater first instead of on US training ranges. M855A1 is a superior killer of just about everything.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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