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Because I’m a bad influence

Cigar smoking 101.

11 Responses to “Because I’m a bad influence”

  1. ATL Says:

    Gag! Flavored cigars! ðŸ™

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Next thing you know, you’ll end up bumming Cigarettes at After Parties. ; )

  3. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    Had an Acid Extraordinary Larry? Flavored or infused cigars aren’t all low end garbage like Swisher Sweets. Some are downright exquisite.

    The sulfourous end of the match is gone in a second or so. I’d rather have that woody match flavor than lighter fluid taste…though I find that’s rarely a problem either.

  4. Jake Says:

    Zippos are good, too. Just like with a match, you let it burn for a second or two before actually lighting your cigar or pipe, so it has a chance to burn off the vapors, impurities, and so forth that accumulate when the lid is closed.

    I may have to drag out my pipes soon. I’ll need a new tin of tobacco, though.

  5. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I tried smoking a cigar once. I think I OD’d on nicotine or something because I spent the rest of the night throwing up.

    That kinda ruined the whole cigar thing for me.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    I spent the rest of the night throwing up.

    I’m guessing there was alcohol involved.

  7. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    Have a headache right now from the grappa and La Flor Dominica from last night. Fast learning that they do need to be either/or at my age.

  8. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Butane != Lighter Fluid. I used to be a match snob and like you just let it burn for a few seconds before touching it to the cigar. Then I saw some serious cigar smokers (not fair-weather hacks like myself) smoking some damn nice cigars with cheap bics.

    I gave it a try and frankly its loads easier with no detriment to flavor.

  9. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I’m guessing there was alcohol involved.

    Not to the extent that would lead to getting sick. I had one brandy with the cigar.

  10. Jake Says:

    Some cigars can be pretty potent, and have to be smoked fairly slowly. I usually get a nice little rush with my favourites (Macanudo Portofino’s), but if I smoke it too fast I have to stop before getting to the end. Some people just can’t do certain cigars.

    The nice thing is that experimentation can be enjoyable – and you don’t have to finish.

  11. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    Good call re: butane. But yeah, I’ve always found the detrimental effect of lighting that way negligible. I still like lighting with a match where I can but it’s probably just force of habit. Also, you can light without actually drawing, just expose it to the butane flame and blow through the cigar and it’ll light just as well. Once it’s going you can pull the lighter away and draw and you’re good to go.

    Stormy–when you puff a good cigar you are taking in some measure of substances that your body has to process, to wit…nicotene. Having that in your system probably greatly reduces the amount of booze you can have and still not feel crappy the next day.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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