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Sex Sells

Even if you’re not sure you’re selling.

Yesterday, I noticed a blogger had an ad on their site for one of those have an affair sites. Then, as if they knew I noticed, I got an email notification that they submitted the same ad (visible at your left, can’t miss it – unless you use an ad blocker) to this site. I clicked on over to blogads unsure if I was going to accept or reject the ad. But leaning toward reject. Not really sure how such an ad would go over to a bunch of gun nuts. I did not approve it and the ad disappeared from the queue.

Imagine my surprise when I notice the ad is actually in my sidebar this morning, without me approving it.

21 Responses to “Sex Sells”

  1. Yj Says:

    Thanks but Ive already got a creepy uncle that swings.

  2. DAD Says:

    Sounds good to me but does the wife believe the story?

  3. Leatherwing Says:

    It must be getting more popular. Each time I go back to your homepage after reading comments, the ad is closer to the top. Now it’s at the top of the column. Curious.

  4. Les Jones Says:

    BlogAds started auto-running ads after a certain number of days, supposedly because the emails would get caught by spam blockers.

    It’s just as well. Half the time I either can’t login or if I can login I can’t find where to approve the ad. They haven’t updated their Web site since it went online five or six years ago.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    BlogAds started auto-running ads after a certain number of days, supposedly because the emails would get caught by spam blockers.

    This happened in less than 30 minutes.

  6. Weer'd Beard Says:

    What’s the sayuncle code I should enter for my discount?

    Who cares? I only see ads I’m looking for anyway, and its your site. Heck I hope you made a few bucks listing the ad for that crappy anti-gun book a while back.

  7. Paul B Says:

    Kind of like the BJ aritcle on CNN one time. I’ve noticed some links on MSN from time to time that where somewhat nefarious.

    Guns and sex, what could go wrong there.

  8. SayUncle Says:

    i ran an ad for an anti-gun book?

  9. mikee Says:

    All I see are ads for Bison Armory and Cheaper Than Dirt. I never get to have any fun!

  10. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yeah, you ran it on the upper left side. Was a childrens book looked in crayon, and was about inner-city gun violence, or something.

  11. SayUncle Says:

    hmm. don’t recall. and no one yelled at me for that?

  12. Paul B Says:

    I kind of remember the crayon thing. Did not follow it. Maybe those blog ads are quite as correct was we thought? They are, after all, in the business of selling clicks and if some semi warm anti gun site wanted clicks, where better to advertise than a pro gun blog?

    You are getting into the big tent slow an sure there Unc.

    Some of the ads on Amc Make me want to kill the TV, but I still watch AMC as they play the oldies.

    Just observing, not stating, for those who look to argue.

  13. Bob H Says:

    Woohoo! The ad is now 2nd from the top on the left. Perhaps you misread your audience, Uncle!

  14. Weer'd Beard Says:

    “hmm. don’t recall. and no one yelled at me for that?”

    Like this, nobody really cared. If an anti wants to give me money I promise I’ll only spend it on “Armor Piecing Ammo” and “High Capacity Clips” : ]

  15. TomcatsHanger Says:

    and shoulder thingies that go up Weer’d Beard!

  16. Michael B Says:

    There’s ads on this site? I just go to the site for the *articles*.

  17. Drang Says:

    Top of the stack now.

    I keep looking at the Google thingies urging me to commoditize The Cluemeter, and figure that, with my traffic, I’d make about a buck three-eighty a year.
    Maybe ads like this would change that…?

  18. Ian Argent Says:

    I don’t bother with ad-blockers; my mind edits them out of the video feed unless they’re really funny.

  19. Ian Argent Says:

    Oh, wait – I lied. I use them on the browser at work to avoid HR issues; you’d be surprised what kinds of ads you see on tech sites. (Or, you know, not).

  20. Dave Jones Says:

    It’s there even as I write. It’ll be interesting to see how much money (i.e., how many of your readers click on it) you get off it!

  21. Tai Says:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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