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Using a catapult to smuggle drugs across the border.

7 Responses to “Pull”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    More interesting article:

    Using a catapult to smuggle drugs Illegals across the border.


  2. MJM Says:

    Got to give it to ’em. Hmm. Fence. We want drugs on other side. Don’t necessarily need drug-runner from Mexico on Texas side. Got it!
    It’s amazing how ancient weapons continue in use, and even get improved.

  3. ATLien Says:

    That prohibition stuff works so well.

  4. mikee Says:

    I’m expecting the announcement of the federally funded high speed monorail from Juarez to El Paso any day now.

  5. Lumpy Says:

    No Doubt bought at an American catapult show,

  6. Tim Says:

    Well as soon as they are done the test run with the drugs, they will be switching to the upgraded version for the illegals.

    At which point, Border Patrol will relinquish the duty of watching the border to the local sporting clays group, “pull”.

  7. JJR Says:

    “now, after night falls, we leap out of the rabbit and…”

    “…perhaps if we fashion a giant badger…”

    Couldn’t help but think of Monty Python when I read this story…

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