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Kinda like how when my four year old is losing a game he wants to change the rules

Joyce Foundation shill sorta starting to get it:

Gun control policies should focus on restricting access to firearms for dangerous individuals or repeat offenders rather than making guns illegal, a prominent gun policy scholar told a group of public health students on Tuesday.

And this:

“This discussion has gotten us to where we are today, which is nowhere,” said Webster, who has served as an informal adviser to Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld III. “We get in these silly sorts of discussions about guns are good, guns are bad.”

Of course we do. Some folks are trying take our guns. They’re failing but they are trying.

3 Responses to “Kinda like how when my four year old is losing a game he wants to change the rules”

  1. ATLien Says:

    If these people are such dangerous criminals, why the hell did you let them out of jail?

  2. Curtis Lowe Says:

    Wow – maybe now THEY are ready to think about COMPROMISING with US?!?!?! As in their definition of “compromise” – which means you give ground and I give none…

  3. Chas Says:

    Ask a liberal whether dangerous individuals and repeat offenders should be turned down by a NICS check, so that they can go on to rape women at knifepoint, or so that they can go on to buy guns on the street and shoot each other.
    For which reason should NICS turn them down, Mr. Liberal?

    The point is that for anyone who isn’t locked up, NICS is nada. It’s meaningless gun control theater that ultimately has no effect on criminals.

    What criminal has ever said to himself, “I’ll never be able to rob a liquor store at gunpoint again because of NICS”. Yeah, I know, he’d only say that if he were making a joke for his fellow criminals. NICS is a joke. It is literally a joke among the very people who it’s supposed to “control”. They laugh at it.

    NICS = National Instant Comedy System – Guaranteed to make convicted felons crack a smile when they’re turned down!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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