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Like his defense

Reporters and producers were discussing use of the word nigger in a story, during a meeting. One white reporter said:

“Does this mean we can finally say the word n-?”*

Anyway, he was fired for it. He sued claiming discrimination. Seems that black people using the word in the workplace were not fired.

* As an aside, the press account can’t use the word nigger even to reference it as a word? I think I see the problem.

9 Responses to “Like his defense”

  1. FatWhiteMan Says:

    From Comedian Jake Johannsen: “We invented the term ‘n-word’ so we can tell on people for saying the real word. But that is the only time you can use it is when you are telling on someone. You can’t go up to your friend and say ‘what up, n-word.'”

  2. Freiheit Says:

    “n-word”? Thats what my friends and I did when we got busted swearing. “f-word”, “s-word”, etc. Fuck that, we’re adults and we can use words to express things. Look at the context and the intent. When the adults want to start having a conversation about the word nigger I’ll be over here. We can talk about honky, cracker, gook, gaijin, round-eye, slant-eye, and so on.

  3. ViolentIndifference Says:

    I wish “cracker” had the same power. That way whites could say cracker and blacks would be fired/hated/ostracized for it.

    Blacks using “their word” while others cannot is just about power. Use of it for that reason is shameful.

  4. Freiheit Says:

    VI raises a good point.

    I’m white. I like to think I don’t care what race someone is. People are people, most are decent, some are very good, and a few are horrible no matter what color their skin is. I’m not going to go around calling someone nigger any more than I’m going to go around calling them asshole or dickhead.

    On the rare occasion I’ve been called cracker it only struck me because it took a second to register that it was an insult. It wasn’t a reaction to the word, it was a realization that the speaker was very hostile. The white people I know react very differently to racial slurs than the black people I know. If we really want to improve race relations maybe we could figure out why that gap exists instead of focusing on the naughty words that expose that gap.

  5. divemedic Says:

    Words that sound remotely like that particular word are also prohibited, for example: niggardly, which has nothing to do with race at all.

    Be happy that “spic and span” hasn’t been outlawed, or “chink in the armor,” and heaven forbid that we are allowed to sing “doo wop” songs or eat hamburger patties.

    The use of the word “nigger” is so evil, that a cop once used the word. Years later that cop a arrested a man for murdering his wife, and the cop’s use of the word was sufficient grounds to allow the murdered to walk free.

  6. divemedic Says:

    murderer, not murdered

  7. dustydog Says:

    Not about power exactly. The n-word is a sacred word, and you are not among the Elect allowed to use it. It is about their religion, which is to say, a inchoate secular humanism/environmentalism/perpetual victim status.

    Go down to a bar in College Station Texas and start talking crap about America and the US military and Texas A&M cadets, and somebody will beat you for it. Their patriotism and school spirit is kind of a religion.

    50 years ago, in the South, one could expect a beating for talking crap about the Confederacy.

    What I don’t understand is how the Spanish word for black gets a pass. Seems like the NAACP should be perpetually boycotting and protesting over Spanish TV and radio.

  8. DirtCrashr Says:

    White people can’t do or say what black people can, just as black (or brown or yellow or purple-green) people can’t be accused of racism – only white people can. It’s in all the MinTruth documents.

  9. Chris Says:

    Speaking of cracker, I come from a long line of crackers and do not consider it to be a slur at all. To me the term is about heritage, go read about the Florida Crackers for more insight.

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