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Anytime anyone says the 5.56 wasn’t designed to kill, but to wound, I get a little nauseous.

15 Responses to “Huh?”

  1. MrSatyre Says:

    Well, to be fair, he does say “reputedly”, and I’ve heard this same claim (and the reasons given) by military historians at the NRA museum who were serving in Nam when the 5.56 was fielded.

  2. SoupOrMan Says:

    Well, nobody really wanted to hurt the woodchucks and prairie dogs for whom the .223 Remington was originally designed. But it just kept happening and it made people sad so obviously Remington gave it over to the military to use as a wounding round.

    Yep, that’s gotta be it.

  3. Robb Allen Says:

    And every times I see someone misuse nauseous when they really mean nauseated the Obsessive Compulsive Idiot in my brain dies a little.

    I try to calmly explain to the O.C.I. that because it has been so misused that it is now accepted as proper usage, he yells “If enough people call a magazine a clip, are you going to just sit by and accept it???”

    Then I start arguing with myself and won’t talk to me for days.

    It’s pretty sad.

  4. Miguel Says:

    Robb, When was the last time you had a vacation? 🙂

  5. Maxpwr Says:

    While I have never been in war and may be 100% wrong, the theory “if you wound a guy it takes 1 or 2 of his buddies to help him out” assumes you are fighting a civilized Western enemy.

    My guess, however wrong, is that the Vietnamese/VC and most of your Islamic opponents are administering IVs and calling “Medic” for their wounded buddy.

  6. Maxpwr Says:


    They ARE NOT calling “Medic” and holding an IV for their wounded buddy.

  7. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    I work in the military small arms and performance analysis community. The only time I’ve ever heard the myth of wounding was in the context of it being total BS.

  8. Stuart the Viking Says:

    dang Robb… sometimes reading your comments are like looking into a freakin mirror. I understand your pain.

    As to the .223/7.62 argument, I have to come down on the side of the 7.62. Not because the whole .223 being designed to wound crap (although that is what we were told US Marine bootcamp) but because the 7.62, in my opinion, is a much more all around useful round. Sure, down here in Florida the deer are the size of dogs and a .223 would be plenty for them but where I grew up the deer were a little closer to cow size and I wouldn’t trust the .223 to get the job done as cleanly or efficiently as the 7.62. Just because the world has ended doesn’t mean we all get a pass on being ethical hunters, does it? I see all the time people talking about hunting deer with their survival .22LR when the world ends and that NAUSEATES me much much more than the idiotic .223 being designed to wound slop.


  9. Kevin Says:

    There are a lot of graveyard full of people killed by 5.56x45mm bullets.

    Though you can’t tell from the link, as it seems the NRA forgot to renew their domain. …

  10. Phenicks Says:

    BTW he calls for the Specter DR scope, a mere $5600 scope for his zombie rifle, pocket change I see.

  11. JaneS. Says:

    In boot camp in 79 the DI said the M-16 round was for wounding not killing.

  12. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner Says:

    Matters little to me what it was designed for-killing or wounding-if I’m going to the trouble of shooting somebody, I want ’em to get dead. Thus, no poodleshooter for moi.

  13. dave Says:

    “And every times I see someone misuse nauseous when they really mean nauseated the Obsessive Compulsive Idiot in my brain dies a little.”

    “The two literal senses of nauseous, “causing nausea” ( a nauseous smell ) and “affected with nausea” ( to feel nauseous ), appear in English at almost the same time in the early 17th century, and both senses are in standard use at the present time. Nauseous is more common than nauseated in the sense “affected with nausea,” despite recent objections by those who imagine the sense to be new.”

    He used it right 🙂

  14. Matt Groom Says:

    I’ve seen people shot with the 5.56 NATO and I can assure you the were NOT wounded.

  15. Jill Says:

    Standard U.S.Army training theory in the early 80’s was that the 5.56 round was designed to wound, and as soldiers we performed shooting excercises ad nauseum (HA!) that were designed to produce wounded enemy. I must assume that Mr. Uncle was not in the military during the cold war, if ever. By all means, please continue to allow the military marksmanship instructors make you nauseous…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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