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We’ll start buying weapons, because I don’t see any choice

In response to Camden, NJ laying off police. You’re in Jersey. Good luck with that.

11 Responses to “We’ll start buying weapons, because I don’t see any choice”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Isn’t this a positive?

    If you vote for politicians that treat you as children should you not be helpless as children against criminals? Shouldn’t voters have to suffer the consequences of their votes?

  2. alan Says:

    I’ve been to Camden. The cops weren’t doing anything anyway so it won’t make much difference.

  3. John Smith. Says:

    I know that is right. The camden police were no where to be found when I did deliveries up that way. Crack dealers and prostitutes galore. I actually wondered if they even had a police force as I have never seen one of their vehicles.

  4. CabotAR Says:

    Where is the outrage? Our govt. treats us as common criminals now (patdowns & body scans) as they do convicts in prison.

    Just read a great book on Americans finally taking a stand against federal tyranny (& gun control) & declare martial law. Can’t afford much this yr. but I’m giving this book to everyone cause it’s about each of us & possibly our true destiny soon.

    Even has Arkansas & people from others states in it. Good read!

    I support my annual gun show & there are always good buys there & my Texas friend makes his own ammo so people are waking up. Good article.

  5. gwa.45 Says:

    So, Mr. Villegas, you think you’re going to buy weapons in NJ, are you?

    No, sir. You will start a bureaucratic process of begging for permission to buy a weapon, a process which is stacked against you, and for which an outcome in your favor is not assured at all. Even if it should work out, will be months, and possibly a year or more before you can buy a gun. Until then, good luck.

  6. TennGoodBoy Says:

    The cops have no obligation to protect you. The cops are there to enforce the law. And the “little people” have very little to say about what the law is.

  7. Jake Says:

    And, of course:

    [Council president] Moran did not respond to a request by Walko for Council members to reduce their own benefits. Nor did he address a criticism from Walko that the mayor’s staff was slated to lose only one aide in the layoffs.

    I mean, it’s unthinkable that the nobility leadership should suffer, after all. But cutting that 40% out of the fire department should put it at just the right size to cover the needs of the peasants citizens.

    Seriously though, this is a pretty standard tactic by a city trying to weasel more money out of the state – cut services like the police and fire department that will make the people stand up and shout so the state takes notice, rather than cutting the salaries of the elected administrative officials, which would have minimal impact.

  8. D2k Says:

    Camden has been near the top of the list of most dangerous cities for years, it’s no wonder they have no internal tax revenue to speak of.
    If they had any sort of business besides crack dealers then maybe they would actually have some taxes to provide services with.
    It’s the East St. Louis/Jersey City of Philadelphia, given the option it seems criminals tend to like to move across state lines from the city they feed off of.

  9. Laughingdog Says:

    They were doing something. Sitting on your ass and drawing a paycheck is doing something. They just were not doing anything useful.

    Always useful to throw in a reference to Castle Rock v. Gonzales to prove your point when bringing up that little tidbit, just so those not in the know can see some proof.

    Granted, that requires them to be capable of grasping actual facts.

  10. Ian Argent Says:

    The guy in question has cops for family. Bet he gets his paperwork in jig time; and might get a carry permit…

    Just because it *can* take 6 months and a lawyer on retainer doesn’t mean it HAS to. NJ Gun Forums has a running thread on how long it’s been taking people to get their papers, and the low point is 2 days (in a town WITH a gun shop).

  11. Cargosquid Says:

    Hire the gangs. The Mob used to control violent crime on their turf.

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