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How cute, they think they’re law enforcement

TSA opens investigation on guy who refused to be molested:

The Transportation Security Administration has opened an investigation targeting John Tyner, the Oceanside man who left Lindbergh Field under duress on Saturday morning after refusing to undertake a full body scan.

Retaliation. They swabbed my bag for being a smart ass.

Phelps: TSA decides to go full mafioso on the guy who, uh, did what they told him to do.

ETA: Video here.

22 Responses to “How cute, they think they’re law enforcement”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I posted his video over at my blog. At the end they attempt to detain him further, but when he asks “Am I Free to go?” they more-or-less weasel out that they don’t have that power.

    The TSA needs to be disbanded TODAY!

  2. bluesun Says:

    TSA: Burn it up, and burn it down.

  3. John Smith. Says:

    The tsa is so pathetic. I must be sadistic because I love watching these guys suffer. On another note I can see why the tsa thought they could push tyner around. He looks like an easy mark. Guess they found out different….

  4. Norm Hodges Says:

    Well ok, poor chap had a bad day, most of what TSA is supposed to do is helping to repel those who want to cause the USof A trouble in a big way. What I can see from his own whitness is nothing that he needs to get carried away with. So he was having to lower his self and yeild to the feely toucyness of some who knows maybe Sensative Guy. Hey we are supposed to learn to get a long. MAYBE we can ORDER UP A FULL BODY MASSAGE along with the body search, this would help to aleive the tension RIGHT. Hey buddy the whole goverment has went mad on powr, DON’T YOU KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM, I am so and so now get the Hell out of my way. It is time that we take our country back from the Morons that run it in the groung. But you can not do it by jumping on the person on the line, we have to jump on the BACK of those writing these worthless operations manuals. GOOD LUCH AMERICA!!!

  5. Norm Hodges Says:

    Seriously, there are many who are out of control, give them a LITTLE authority and they become BIG Ass Holes with a gun. One best not agitate them for they just might take POWER into their hands and BANG!!!! It has happened before and just take good notes and contact your GOVERMENT Rep and keep on their tail until CHANGE “REAL CHANGE” is made. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. Yes, I like you used to get all bent out of shape when some one wanted me to lower myself down to being a suspect. Well now I just look like I am at their mercy and I breeze throgh security. Just do not act like or become a threat and maybe they will not disrobe you and pat your cute little but.

  6. Norm Hodges Says:

    GOOD DAY as they say from down under.

  7. dunce Says:

    How about flights for prescreened people [no muslims].Why are they checking pilots? A pilot can lock the cabin door and crash the plane with no bomb or weapon of any type.

  8. comatus Says:

    Oh come on dunce, when would something like that ever happen, other than 31 Oct 1999?

    How parochial our genital sensitivity must appear to the many more enlightened peoples of the world who regularly greet each other with a hearty crotch grab. Got to keep it relative. Now tell that to Imam Omar.

  9. blogo Says:

    I bet they are going to get him for the recording. They probably have a rule in place that that is illegal.

  10. countertop Says:

    Mike Aguilar – the asshat head of TSA in San Diego who deserves to be stripped naked, rolled in honey and tied to a tree in a bear and Africanized Honey Bee infested forest – is actually a former TSA Security Director of the Year.

    Incredible job Mikey!!!

    If this shit head is the best they can do, is there any reason not to scrap the whole thing??

  11. countertop Says:

    From their press release:

    ““Mike has improved the morale of employees and has promoted a culture of achievement among team members,” said Gale Rossides, TSA associate administrator for Business Transformation and Culture. “He serves as an example of workplace excellence with a focus on providing world-class security, and his partnerships inside and outside TSA are positive, professional and customer-focused due to his outstanding leadership.””

  12. Oscar Says:

    With 150,000+ pages in the Code of Federal Regulations, I’d say this guy’s goose is cooked. I am CERTAIN that TSA will be able to find something with which to nail him.

    My recommendation is that he “revert” to Islam immediately, get CAIR on his defense team, and scream “Islamophobia” until NPR comes to his rescue.

    If he fights this as a non-Muslim, law-abiding American white male, he’s gonna lose for sure.

  13. Phelps Says:

    They’re not going to do anything other than hold press conferences, Oscar. They would have to sue him in civil court, and they aren’t going to admit that anyone has standing to challenge the act that created the TSA, because the risk is too high of something in the act being unconstitutional and the whole agency being disbanded.

  14. ATLien Says:

    So…NOW can we shoot them?

  15. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    They due not have to sue him. They can issue civil penalties all day long without any court approval.

  16. Lyle Says:

    When will we realize that this has nothing to do with security, that this is nothing more than showing us who’s boss and keeping us in our place?

  17. Rivrdog Says:

    Anyone want to bet that he’s NOT on a “no-fly” list by now?

  18. Countertop Says:


    They can issue penalties, but all those penalties can be challenged. First as an appeal to the TSA’s own Admin Law Judge, and maybe even an appeal to a panel of ALJs but then ultimately in court.

  19. Justthisguy Says:

    There is no such thing as an administrative law judge mentioned in the Constitution, He should insist on a real court and real judge, and if they won’t do that, he should tell them to GTFO.

  20. DeadC Says:

    They don’t have to charge him or sue him or anything else. Just the investigation itself is enough to ruin him. Using the power of the State to intimidate his boss/company, his bank, his credit rating, putting his name on the no-fly list, etc. and making him spend all of his personal fortune to defend himself will be enough to “send a message” to the rest of the sheeple that they better behave and bend over “when we say”.

    There is NO penalty for bureaucrats who abuse the power of the State under color of law.

    Sieg Hiel

  21. DonM Says:

    There is one penalty for bureaucrats: The condemnation of the people.

  22. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Countertop – It will cost him more to appeal it then just writing the check.

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