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No repeal

Sadly, he’s probably correct:

Conservatives who voted for congressional candidates because they pledged to repeal and replace the health-care-reform law are in for a rude awakening. Once those newly elected members of Congress have a little talk with the insurance industry’s lobbyists and executives, they will back off from that pledge. They will go through the motions, of course. They’ll hold hearings and take to the floor of both Houses to rail against the new law, and they’ll probably even introduce a bill to repeal it with much fanfare—but it will all be for show. That’s because health insurers, one of Republican candidates’ biggest and most reliable benefactors—the industry contributed three times as much money to Republicans as to Democrats since January—can’t survive without it.

5 Responses to “No repeal”

  1. bluesun Says:

    Can’t have a rude awakening if that’s what you were expecting in the first place.

  2. Fiftycal Says:

    The insurance industry cannot survive WITH Obammaocare. There will not be ONE insurance company left by the time it goes into effect. Why? Obammaocare is NOT INSURANCE! It is a trojan horse single-payer healthcare system. There is no “insurance” in it. Look at the country that used to be England. They just pay the bills til the money runs out. Then you wait for “care” until the next budget cycle. No need for salespeople, claims reviewers, etc. Just clerks and “executives”. Millions will lose their jobs. And as soon as it goes into effect, there will be “limits” (death panels) put into effect. 75 and need a kidney? Clerk: Sorry, this won’t benefit the STATE! You will receive your allotment of 6 months of dialysis. Come back in a year and you’ll get 6 months more. Patient: But I’ll DIE without dialysis! Clerk: NEXT! THAT is Obammaocare.

  3. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    The insurance companies have survived just fine without it, even with all the meddling the rats have done already. Obamacare (the ail for what cures us) dooms them within just a few years.

  4. SPQR Says:

    I think that the claim above is backwards, SayUncle. The insurance business thought that they could coopt the Obamacare reform into the rent-seeking form of regulation that they could profit from, and have realized that the Democrats intended to destroy them instead.

  5. Nylarthotep Says:

    Poor logic if this is intended to support the fact that it can’t be repealed. The lobbying is to eliminate the draconian changes in the standing law and stop the government from being able to create a single payer system, which will destroy the health insurance industry completely. They also are lobbying to try to get rid of the sections of the law that put many overwhelming changes in how insurance companies do business.

    It won’t get repealed because they can’t enough votes to over ride a veto while Obama is president. Doesn’t mean it won’t just come later. The house can also completely defund the bill which will effectively leave it unenforcable, well except for the new rules that force the health insurance industry to lose more money by having to provide insurance with no notice, insure children on the parent policy until they are 26 and a whole slew of other regulations that the insurance companies have no way of funding. (Well except for raising all of our premiums.)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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