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Gun Porn

S&W Nightguard

Tactical revolver shotgun

Gun ring


$8K for a sig

5 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. mikee Says:

    I have seen a Taurus Judge. Now I have seen a “Justice of the Supreme Court” revolver shotgun.

  2. Diomed Says:

    Chop that shotgun down to about 8″…

  3. Bobby Says:

    At least on that Mosin it doesnt appear he cut up a mos stock for that, and it looks reverseable, short of whatever that muzzle accessory is.

    Id shoot it for fun

  4. Bobby Says:

    That shotgun would be awesome in some sort of semi-serious western.

    Wonder what the speed loader would look like for it?

  5. Diomed Says:



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